Chapter 52: Devil's in The Night

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Amidst the chilling darkness of the night, the sounds of flesh tearing and bloodcurdling cries reverberated through the air. It was a symphony of agony and despair. They were confronted by individuals who had forged spiritual pacts with forces far beyond their comprehension. These unholy beings now savagely assaulted the enhanced super-skin soldiers. The hybrids in their ethereal forms were invisible to their victims. The situation seemed dire, hopeless.

In the midst of this chaos, Cesar and his Phantom Seed arrived - they could perceive the presence of the Hybrids. Without hesitation, they surged forward to aid the defenseless augmented super-skin soldiers. However, what they encountered next left them astonished. The fallen soldiers, despite their horrific injuries, began to regenerate and heal their missing limbs and organs. Some even seemed to miraculously return to life.

As the gruesome scene unfolded, the four hooded figures, who had silently observed the massacre, finally sprang into action. In a swift motion, Cesar leaped in front of a freshly healed super soldier, intercepting the Hybrid that was about to kill them again. 

The hybrid creature, a grotesque amalgamation of ox, man, and beetle, launched relentless and powerful blows at Cesar. Yet, with the aid of his Wind Will, he deftly parried each attack with his spear.

Seizing an opportunity, Cesar swiftly sliced the hybrid's throat, spilling a brown stained blood on the snow, infuriating the beast. It retaliated by charging at him, attempting to impale him with its three sharp horns. However, Cesar, wise to its intentions, evaded the attack and thrust his spear into the creature's back. 

To his dismay, the beast's impenetrable shell thwarted his weapon's advance. Before Cesar could gather his bearings, a colossal serpentine head, made from stone, lunged at him, clamping its jaws around his body and ruthlessly slamming him into the ground. Like a rag doll, he was flung far into the distance, the force of the impact leaving him battered and broken.

Meanwhile, Agnethe, rapidly grew to a towering height of 90 feet, careful not to crush her teammates. She embarked on a ferocious killing spree, stomping as many hybrids as she could. 

However, the ground beneath her soon succumbed to a glacial chill, freezing solid. A sinister area in the snow began to be consumed by a mass of dark hair, which snaked its way around Agnethe's foot, ensnaring her and abruptly yanking her down to the ground.

Ellie had long activated her inhaler allowing her to enter the Mental Domain, Ellie wasted no time unleashing her formidable Reflective Will. She swiftly dispatched dozens of hybrids, their bodies sliced to pieces or engulfed in searing flames because of her concentrated light spell. Simultaneously, Jin unleashed bursts of lightning, rescuing as many super soldiers as he could from the impending danger.

However, when the ground trembled beneath them, signaling Agnethe's fall, the attention of the group shifted towards the four Dark Acolytes. All eyes were on them, except for Ariah and Al. 

Al had been overcome by a wave of weakness since they arrived, he sank to the ground, compelled to employ a breathing technique in an attempt to replenish his waning Stubborn Will. Frustration etched across his face.

Ariah voiced the collective confusion of the augmented soldiers, "What the hell are we even fighting against? And why can only the five of you see them?"

Ariah's question hung in the air, unanswered, until an astonishing development occurred. The super soldiers, having healed their wounds, suddenly perceived the once-invisible hybrids. It was as if a veil had been lifted, exposing the grotesque foes before them. 

Al could feel his Stubborn Will in their super skins, he spoke with a mixture of awe and bitterness, "Son of a bitch. That man truly is the devil." 

Al looked at Ariah and answered her "What we're fighting against... is the reason why entered the world of Will. Only those with an awakened Will can see them, meaning only cultivators like us possess that ability. However, it seems your boss has found a way to circumvent that. Give me your hand; I'll show you."

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