Chapter 49: You're Flying Now...

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"Get back here, Marcy! I'm going to get you." a voice giggled, resonating in the vibrant green forest. In response, a voice filled with joy replied, "Hahaha, you're going to have to catch me first, Daisy." Their colorful wings flapped, propelling them through the azure sky, leaving a trail of radiant light in their wake. 

Suddenly, Daisy came to a halt. "Haha, I got you, Marcy!" she exclaimed, colliding playfully with her sister. Something had caught Marcy's attention. 

Daisy turned to look to where her sister pointed, and there, on the ground, lay a wounded, dark creature. The sisters quickly flew closer and discovered a wolf in desperate need of water. With the sun blazing overhead, Marcy rushed to fetch water while Daisy remained by the wolf's side. 

Together, they nursed the creature back to life, offering it a chance for survival.

As the day wore on, the trio played together until the sun descended below the horizon. With the arrival of night, the dark wolf bid them farewell, disappearing into the shadows. 

The sisters sought solace by the river, preparing to rest after their eventful day. As the midnight hour struck, an eerie silence enveloped the forest, stirring Marcy from her slumber. She turned to awaken her sister, only to be met with a haunting sight—a horde of ravenous eyes fixed upon them.

Before Marcy could utter a single word, three wolves pounced upon her, tearing her apart with merciless ferocity. Beside her, her sister faced a familiar face as she was devoured alive. The blood of the sisters tainted the river, staining its once-clear waters.

Al gasped, his eyes snapping open, jolted awake. "Just a dream," he exhaled, a tinge of relief in his voice, and rolled out of his comfortable bed. Ever since being teleported into the I.P.S Institute for Practical Science, he and their Phantom Seed had been assigned a room, a far cry from the stone units of the Blood Leafs 15th Mortal Ring. Here, he had a soft bed and a small study area.

"I need to enter the Mental Domain as soon as possible." Al contemplated, his mind lingering on the awe-inspiring power he had wielded during the previous battle. "After all I'm essentially swinging a bladeless handle." Determination fueled his thoughts as he stared at his twisted knife.

"But for now, I need to look for a way to stop these stupid dreams." With that in mind, he left his room, determined to seek a solution to his recurring nighttime disturbances.

As Al opened his door, he found himself face-to-face with a familiar figure—Agnethe. For whatever reason she had chosen to abandon her Phantom Seed join theirs. "I was just about to knock," she said, her gaze fixed curiously on him. Uncertain about her unexpected visit, Al responded, "Um, okay. Is there something you need?"

Agnethe's eyes locked with his, and she spoke, her words tinged with a hint of intrigue, " Are you really a Stubborn Will Cultivator? When you transformed, I felt something stir within me. My Titans Will"

Embarrassment flushed Al's cheeks, and he hastily stopped her, "Look, I don't care how I made your insides feel. I'm not interested in a relationship, so sorry if I gave you the wrong impression." 

His stern response caused Agnethe to recoil, her voice laced with frustration. "I didn't mean it like that, you idiot. Ugh, just forget it!" With those words, she stormed off down the corridor.

"What a strange encounter," Al thought, shaking off the confusion, he continued his stroll down the corridor. However, as he passed Ellie's room, a sudden realization struck him, prompting him to retrace his steps and knock on her door.

The door swung open, revealing an empty room. But as soon as Ellie spotted Al, she materialized with her floating mirror at her side. "Oh, hi Al. What can I help you with?" she cheerfully greeted him.

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