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May 28, 2023

My sisters can keep on going about me being the favorite, but ig its true when each child has a different mother. 

The oldest will always have the go to medschool mom that wont ever support her creative dreams. 

The youngest has the body shaming one that cant ever seem to loosen her grip, 

And im stuck with the mother who cant seem to empathize with her own daughter.

Youve never understood me. Not once. Half of everything i say will always sound like childlike gibberish to u but u can see past that. Youll continue to spoil me because i do all the chores. I say yes to most of anything u want. But the moment its the one thing i desperately need to keep, its a no? Well maybe its my fault for not talking about my friends at all, but even then,

You've never liked my friends? 

I was never allowed to go to ppls houses in elementary. You never liked that one friend, questioned this guys opinions, this other guys identity and now u just..l cant accpet that maybe i still hang out with him cus hes a good friend ?? 

Ive been outcasted for years with no one to talk to because i transferred snd not one person ever understoof my bluntness or smartassery until he came along and im sorry ive not explained that to u before but cant i just hang out w ppl i like??? 

Oh but even then, ig u wouldnt get that i was outcasted either. u wouldnt understand that. Youve always had friends. Neighbours to hang out with. Brothers to hang out with. Classmates to hang out with.

U wouldnt get it. If i had finally told u i thought i was autistic, you would just say no ur not ur wrong. Bitch i show every sign ?? 

its so fucking. Exhausting. 

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