An Article Written By Derek Barkley

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Tragedy Strikes At 'London Revival' Record Launch Party, Witnesses Suspect There's More Than Meets The Eye...

On 17th August, 1993, Jade Cash - daughter of the renowned record producer Kian Cash - was declared dead after attending notorious band 'London Revival's record launch party. It is said that Jade suffered complications after ingesting a fatal dose of an undisclosed drug, causing her to seizure and ultimately drown in the house pool.

Frontman Axel Faintheart of 'London Revival' has a rather colourful history when it comes to drug addiction and witnesses suspect that he may have something to do with Cash's overdose. Despite attending a rehabilitation centre for a number of months early last year, reports from loved ones suggest that the rockstar is still battling his addiction behind closed doors.

Faintheart himself suffered an overdose preceding his stint in Oakwood Rehabilitation Services. It is reported that bandmate and guitarist Dahlia Ware performed live-saving CPR and care to the lead vocalist, resulting in a smooth recovery. Witnesses suggest that Faintheart attempted to do the same for Cash, though it was tragically too late.

Figgy Taylor, romantically involved with Faintheart between 1991 and 1993, accepted our offer to comment on the tragedy and share her views.

"I'm utterly heartbroken that someone as wonderful as Jade Cash has left us too soon. She was more than a record producer; she was a mentor, a friend, a support system. She wanted nothing but the best for the entire band, but unfortunately people weren't looking out for her in the same way as she was for them.

I believe that Axel has had a relapse and that makes him dangerous. Unfortunately, it seems very unlikely that anything else other than him being careless has happened here. I've known Axel for a very long time, and I can tell that he's struggling inside. It may not be obvious to the public, but he's definitely fallen into his old ways of drug addiction. All it takes for Jade to be spiked with his hard drugs is for him to be too inebriated to keep them away from people, and when Axel is going through a bout of relapse, he is anything but careful. In an environment like that, drugs are passed around like sweets.

Axel, this is a plea for you to get the help that you need. There are so many people that care about you, and now one of them has sadly lost their lives in the same way that you almost lost yours. It's so important that you come home to the support of your family. Don't go on that tour. Come home, and we'll help you."

I can confirm that following the tragedy, the police are investigating both the ideas of suspected manslaughter and potential murder. Leading suspects Axel Faintheart, Dahlia Ware, Vince Brown and Bentley Barnes have all been refused exit from the United Kingdom until further investigation has taken place.

Mother of Axel Faintheart, Isabelle Faintheart, has claimed that "any reports of Axel ingesting any drugs since he has been in rehab is completely false." despite reportedly only being back in contact with him recently. She further claims that the infamous singer has been sober for over a year and was "exceptionally close to Jade Cash and any claims of malice towards her are repulsive".

Tim Faintheart, CEO of Faintheart Records and father of Axel Faintheart, has refused to comment at this time.

We additionally reached out to Faintheart, Barnes, Brown and Ware but they have not accepted the opportunity to make a statement. We suspect that during these following days they will be putting a public relations team together and lawyers in place for the coming investigation.

More to come on this story as it develops.

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