10 : Hyeo yeon and Joo won

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Oh btw, this is Hyeo Yeon's bangtan pic ^^^

Btw,I really tried to be cheesy hehehehe

I woke up and got ready for school. Nothing much happened woth Joo Won. I like him but I don't want to admit it. It's not that I'm hesitant but, he might hurt my feelings. I got up and took a bath. I got dressed and I saw a picture. It was my picture of bangtan. Aishh if only I get a boyfriend like him. As I examined the picture, I felt a note at the back. It was from unnie.

"Yah! I saw this pic. I'm guessing Joo won is the one in front? Haha he looks cute. Really. Well, I knew it we have the same taste. Introduce him to me sometime! I hope you two become a couple kekekeke x) "

I smiled. Unnie does like Joo won. And aside from that, she looks at all my stuff like she's sherlock. I looked at my watch. 6 am. Almost time to go to school. I headed downstairs and saw eomma eating. "Eomma, what's our food?" I asked. "Well, the usual, but have you seen Yun Seo? I was going to tell her somehing" I shrugged. "Well, she let a bit earlier than me so, I didn't get a chance to go talk to her" I said. "Well, okay eat your going to get late for school" eomma said. In the dining there were 4 chairs. Eomma and me sit together and across us were Yun seo and the other chair. That empty chair was where appa would sit. I would remember the days when we all used to laugh really hard and happiky eat together was a family. Now, it's a bit more timid and quiet but, we still laugh and smile just like when we were with appa. I sat down on my chair and took a bite of bread. Eomma was almost down and was only drinking her coffee. Eomma never mentioned how appa died but, only why. He died of an accident in some hotel. When I ask further more details she just changes the topic. Oh well at least I know why. I finished my bread and said goodbye to eomma. "Hyeonie, later we'll eat dinner outside okay?" My eyes widened. "Jinja?" I asked and she nodded. I was happy and kissed her. I headed for the door and went to commute.


It was any usual day at school. I fix my stuff and mr.perfect would come and all the girls would surround him. But this time he looked really different. He as all smiles as he greeted everyone and the sparks in his eyes were so... dreamy. I sighed. He was really handsome. I continued and closed my locker when someone greeted me. "Hi Hyeo Yeon" the voice said. It wasn't any kind of voice. It wasn't deep nor it was high and you could hear his voice shiver a bit. I turned around to see Joo Won. He wore a light smile as he said those words. "Um hi Joo won " I simply replied. Joo won didn't leave me. He waited me to finish closing my locker. "I just realized we have the same course" he said. I nodded. "Oh yeah, and we have one unit where we are clasmates" I said. I gulped. Does he want me to go with him? Maybe he just needs something from me. "Um, aren't you going to class now?" I asked. He laughed and I could feel myself getting smaller. "Um I was just thinking, since it's the first unit and we're classmates why won't we go together?" He said and I fell silent. Umm me seriously? Among all the girls? Or, maybe he just saw me and had nobody to go with. I can't believe he is going with me. I smiled. "Um, yeah sure" I nodded and we both started walking. I could hear all the girls talk about us. Maybe they were like: "omg ? Her with joo won? No way!! She's not fit for him! " I shook my head and finally said to him : "um joo won, if your'e feeling uncomfortable I could go ahead and go by myself... I think the others are---" "no, it's really okay" he interrupted me. He opened the door for me and we both went in. Wahhh a gentle man!! He smiled at me and pointed where we would sit. "Um Joo Won, " "hmm?" He asked. "Um thank you for going with me, the truth is I don't have much friends"

Joo won looked suprised. Wow hyeonie, way to ruin your image in front of mr. Perfect. "Omo... you don't have?? Not even an apprentice?" I shook my head. "Hyeo yeon, you really deserve to have friends someone to laugh with you, protect you " "you really deserve it and youre really--" he paused. "Really pretty"

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