18 : the accident

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Ohhhh this story is almost about to end :(


I went home with my eyes wet and red. I went straight to bed without eating, I don't feel like it.

*next day*

I woke up and remembered something. Today the construction will finally be finished but, yun seo's there. She will ignore me. I sighed and got ready for work when Ji Hun went to my room. "Hi, I'm your new boss"  I groaned. "Seriously? ? Grandpa gave it to you?!?"  He laughed. "Go along now I wouldn't want to see my employee late for work" he said and slammed the door. I jist wanted to strangle him. Oh well, maybe I could take peek with "boss" . I called the dirver and as I rode the car, my usual place at the back ji hun blocked me. "I ride here, you go beside the driver" he said and sat. I was just flustered and went inside.

*at work*

Me and Ji hun separated and I went to the elevator. Instinct tells me to press the he 5th floor. But now I have to press the 8th floor. I sighed. I am going to miss being the president. As I waited for the elevator to lift me up, I could hear the repairs going on. Is yun seo there??  I peeked at the repairs before opening the door to my new office. I can see her. She seems tired while working, eager to finish the work . She probably doesn't notice me. I turned the knob to my office and shut the door. It really felt new and weird. It was fairly small , it was really dusty and made me cough. I dropped my box and looked around. As I picked up someone's left over chinese take out, something from the outside fell and all the people got noisy. I went to look who.

I gazed out and saw some of the workers holding on to a woman. She was really faint and blood was dripping down her forehead and arms. Her pants were torn apart and her top was a bit bloody. Her hair was ruffled and all messed up, far from what I usually see.  All of them were shouting and concerned. She was  Ha Yun Seo. I quickly went to them and offered my help. I called ji hun and the ambulance. Me and Ji hun went into the car, worried. "I checked awhile ago, it was okay" Ji hun said. I didn't answer because I was lost in my thoughts.  What happened?  Will I get to see her?? I leaned out the window.


*wew hahaha*

I was at school when hung called. During break, I called Hyeonie. "Uhhmm what's wrong??"  "He gave me a missed call"  I said and called hyung again. "Uhh hyung.. what's wrong"   "well--"  he sounded very worried. "it's yun seo, uhh your jagiya's sister"  "there was an accident"  I froze. Even I'm not close with noona I felt really affected.

"Come to the hospital right away"  "okay we will" I said and hung the phone. Hyeo yeon looked still. She was looking down, her eyes starting to water and get red. I hugged her. "It's okay, noona's strong Let's go" I said. As usual, I go to school with my hike but, this time it was an emergency so we called a cab.  We went inside and hyeonie didn't speak a word. She just clinged into my arm. I texted hyung we were going there. I rest my head. I'll jist think an excuse for both of us. I looked to hyeonie who was busy texting her mother. She looked to me. "Joo won"  she uttered with her tears going everywhere. "I don't want to suffer like this"  "if this happens to me, will you leave me? Us?" I shook my head. "Only a jerk would do that besides, I'm here to comfort you so you won't suffer" I held her hand.


I was ushered to see her. As I walked nearer I couldn't help but feel teary eyed. I wouldn't say I was crying because that's not manly. Duh. She was just lying down with her usual facial expression that turns me on, her seriousness.She was just lying there on her bed unaware of everything. I stroke her head and got a chair. "Yun seo" I said talking with someone who can't hear. "What happened? ?"  "Are you going to sleep... for a month??"  Mymeyes felt watery, "are you going to leave me??" I held her hand. "If I could do anything just to wake you up" I fell silent when someone opened the door. It was eomma. She was with ji hun. "Seo jin get away from her!!" I stood up. "Why? I thought it was good to help--"  "I know you like her"  "you know how the family wants jimin for you now, let's go" she said. I pulled away but eomma called the nurses. "I'll come back yun seo" I whispered. I had to do something.

*Joo won's pov*

We entered the room and no one was there, seo jin probably went ahead. Hyeo yeon was crying as she sat beside the bed. It was okay when the doctor went in. "Uhhmm are you guardians of Ms. Ha Yun Seo??" Hyeonie stood up. "I'm her sister, what seems to be the problem  doc??"  "The good news is she's safe but, from the fall from the construction her brain was slightly shaken so we aren't cetain when she'll wake up."  I asked out of the blue. "Um is there a possibility she might have amnesia??" He replied. "Let's just hope for the best " and left.

"Eomma's coming.." hyeo yeon said and soon enough, the door did open.  She didn't say anything and just stroked noona's hair but you could tell how she felt. "How is she??" She asked. "Well she is okay except that she might be like that for a while"  she started crying. "You shouldn't went to that place and worked there! "  "you should have listened " I raised an eyebrow to hyeonie and she gestured me to go out. "I guess I should tell this" she said and stroked my hair. "it's a family realted issue between your's and mine"

Ahh the tense!! Haha sorry for 1 week late ud

I just hope y'all vote :)

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