11 : Ji min and Ji hun

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Wahhh long time since ud!!  Do not forget to vote!!

Okay, so you guys might wonder why Kim Taehyung is Ji Hun and has a solo career instead with bts. Same here hahaha well let's assume that happens. Just for this story kekeke

(But people who read the story w/o knowing them, just go ahead haha don't mind us armys hehe)

I woke up and heard Seo Jin talking to someone, I tried to sleep and cover a pillow with my face. Even though my house was just at the other side, his was bigger and out of alcohol, I usually fall asleep here. My managaer texted me.

"Ji hun, you have to get a producer soon for yourself  or it will he end of your career. "

I sighed , I almost asked everyone but, they didn't want to. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I don't remember much where I was last night. When I was at the dining table, eomma was there. She raosed an eyebrow at me.

"Hmm eomma, waeyo??"  She sighed.  "Eomma, I don't need a pro---"  "yes you do!!! Do you know how this could end you?" 

"Don't worry I'll get one" I said as I took a bite on my sandwich. "Well, I don't believe you here" she gave me a piece of paper with a cell number. I knew who exactly owns it. I laughed. "Eomma, out of all people?? Jinja?? "  "she's your only chance, she knows your better than anyone else" "besides, no one would last long to handle you" she said, stood up and left. I stared at the number.

Out of all people. Her?? Seriously. I opened my phone and registered the number. A text immediately came. "Hi Ji Hun!!! I'll be meeting you at 4??" I laughed. They really are serious. "Eodiyo?"  (Where?)  I asked her. "By the old resto , where we had our dates before... remember??"

My blood starred boiling. She thought I broke up with her?? Wow, neo jeongmal pabo..  I went back to my own house and took a bath. As I got put of the shower room a gril was outside in my room. "Oppa!!!"  "Miss me??"  I almost jumped and got scared. "YAH!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??"  She smiled. I had no idea who she is. "Oppa, remember last night??" I troed my best to remember but, all I felt was a head ache. I shook my head. She sighed. "Aigooo Jin Ri imnida. We met last night and you said you like me and... oppa I like you too!!" She said and barged right in and hugged me. I pushed her off. "Well, sorry I was drunk and I don't remember anything. Jin Ri just---" I stopped and remembered something. I smiled. "Jin ri, nevermind what I said... yeah I'm cool with it" Jin Ri's eyes widened. "Ahhhh jinja!!!?!?" I nodded and she squealed. "Well, Jin ri first give me space okay?? Second, I need you to go home I'll just call you" she sighed. "Okay oppa" she gestured her hand asking me for something. "Oh right" I said and gave her my phone. He registered her number and left. I did that for Ji min . I want her to get jealous. Although, I really don't remember anything last night.

I got dressed and went to work. Just let Seo Jin go first. For now.
I got to my car and drove to work. As I came in the hotel I saw Yun Seo. "Annyeong " she said . "Ahh no need " I said and help her with the things. "Omo..get away from me!! "

"Yah!! Seo jin!! Dont be--" Seo Jin suddenly came in the elevator. This was getting weird.  "I mean, yun seo give respect to yur boss" he said and went in between me and Yun seo. I could see Yun seo get mad. "Hmmm what's the reason sunbae??" She said in a mocking tone. I laughed. "Because, I don't like you near him your beig mean" SeoJin said and we were all at the right floor. "Ji hun ah let's go we have a meeting" he said and we left Yun Seo. Aigoo another boring meeting. Why won't appeoji let me have the hotel?? Anyways reunion is upcoming in about a month. I'd actually rather have the meeing than meet Jimin.


I laughed hard when he finally replied. I knew he couldn't resist his eomma. And I was the only choice left. Well , I had plans for the mext music video and the concept was similar to what happened to us. But, Ji Hun will be heart broken this time. To know how I felt when he left and dumped me. I placed my blonde short hair behind my ear. This is going to be great . Another part of me wants to marry Seo Jin badly and become more rich and have revenge on him. I mean, my soon to be brother - in -  law. Once, Seo Jin's Harabeoji approves Ji Hun will regret everything. I don't have feelings anymore just gudhing hatred and loath against him. I went to take a bath. After, I thought of what I could wear. Hmm probably high waist shorts and a blouse?? Tank top and leggings?? I'll just wear the first pair. As I combed my hair, I noticed how dull and sad I look. I thought of going to the salon. And to help cheer me up after meeting woth him, I'll ask eomma if I could have another date with Seo jin.

"Eomma could I meet Seo Jin today??"

"Ahh de, I'll tell him around 6?"  "Oh , here's his number : "

I got the message soon and agreed. I saved his number and we to the salon. I need to look good for Seo Jin , not Ji hun that jerk. As I got to my car, I like how perfect my height was for him. I'm around 5'4 and he is 5'10. Ahhh de, he could hug and cuddle me.

*after the salon*

After salon, I just bought ice cream and went to the old restaura t to see the jerk. Suprisingly, he was there already. I saw ji hun look down. I went in and sat across. "Annyeong, Ji Hun... nice to meet you" I said as if "I placed the past behind" and pretended I did not know him. "Annyeong" he replied coldly. "Here" I said and handed him the folder. He coughed as if to tell me to explain. "The concept is about a man who is depressed and sad when his girlfriend left him" I said and he fell silent.

"I won't take it" he said. "Mue??"  "I said, I won't take it" he said and stood up. "Annyeong" he said and walked out. Bitter?? Well at least it ended early. I know his manaher and eomma will force ji hun to agree. Now, for the date with Seo jin.

*meanwhile Hyeo Yeon's POV "

I woke up and felt like I was so refreshed. I remember when Joo won dropped me off. Eomma was smiling. Eomma said he was nice and good looking. She just tells me don't expect for much it might hurt, as I sat up I remembered how the kiss felt. Now, I feel more motivated to go to school kekeke. I wemt down and saw unnie. "Unnie!! Why are you in a hurry" she continued as if I wasn't there. "Ummm I need to go kekeke I wouldn't want to be late for work right?" She said and didn't look. "Annyeong! !" Sje said and left. That was weird. Unnie isn't usually like that. Oh well, I sat down and ate with eomma. Maybe unnie was just really in a hurry.


I texted Seo Jin to meet me at 6 at the cafe. "De, meet you there" he simply said. Hmm, I should buy him a gift. I went to the department store and went to men's clothing. Maybe he would want a new tie, maybe shoes?? I'll just go with shoes. To be honest, I don't know his size. I'll just get a size 10. "Do you have size 10 for this??" I asked and gave the salesman the shoe. "I think so, but it's the last pair"  "it's okay, I'll take it" I said . Later on he handed me the box and I payed for it. Seo jin will like it. Since, the cafe was below the store I just took the elevator down. I went inside and he smiled at his seat. Omo....is he happy?? He  isn't like it. I smiled. He helped me sit and said hi. "Ahh, seo jin I have something for you" I handed him the shoes and he shyly accepted it. Weird. "Ahh de it's pretty thanks" he said as he returned the pair inside the box. "So, jimin what do you want? My treat" my eyes widened. "It's really okay seo jin"  "ahh don't be shy" he said and ordered. I can't help but smile. He is too kind and sweet today. While waiting for the order he was starin at me. "Jimin, I think you feel sad... something happened?" He asked. "ahh it's nothing" he sighed, "I know how us girls--' I mean you guys feel so I know something happened" he said and cleared his throat. "Well, it'sabout Ji Hun" his eyes widened. "What about it??"  "Well, he doesn't want  me as his producer... uhh seo jin let's just eat" I said. The food was served and we ate . "Mianhae" seo jin  said.  "It's okay , it's not your fault" I said. I smiled and we ate our food. Seo jin is better than ji hun. Really.

"Want me to take you home??" Seo jin asked. "Ahh no need I need to go somewhere else" he was too kind. "Ahh okay, annyeong jimin" he said.


I purposely left her there. It's what she deserves after everything she did for me. There is no way she can be my producer. I went home and saw Seo Jin cooking. There was nthing wrong with cooking, he was cooking at my house. "Omo... seo jin?? Are you okay?? Sick??"  I felt his neck. He fliched. "Ji hun, I'm better than okay!!" He smiled. It was really weird and awkward. "Here let's eat!!" He said. I awkwardly sat across him. Something is really wrong with this guy. "Hmm why are you sad??"  "Well, I haven't found a proper producer" I said and he urged me to continue. "The only option is jimin" he stopped eating. "Well, jimin is nice you know" he said. I scoffed. "That's what she wants us to think seo jin"  "but inside , she's really scary!!" I said and he laughed. "Aigoo, ji hun just accpet her or else I'll get ---  i mean your fans wpuld get sad" seo jin said. I sighed. "Well, I'll just think about it" I said and ate some more of his food. I nudged him. "Aigoo dongsaeng you cooking is good" I said.

I don't have any other choice left.

Might as well, accpet and live like hell for the sake of my career.


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