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I was leaning against the wall in the living room as I watched Eileen making my bed on the couch. She was still so beautiful she could be a model. Like Kika... only now I'm talking about Eileen. Eileen is good in anything and everything. She could make a profession out of anything she would want. Still she chose to be a financial manager. I still don't understand that. I mean who would want to become a financial manager when you could be a model or go professional in a sport? For her that sport was volleybal. She played on a high level and when she was asked to play with the national team the same time Arthur his career took off she has said no.


"Yes Pierre?"

"Why did you reject the offer to play for the national team?"

She stopped moving and then continued. She staid quiet a little longer as I saw her swallow.

"Because I didn't want to."

"Bullshit. You wanted to we all know that."

"Fine that's not the reason."

"Well what is?"

I walked towards her slowly and stood in front of her as she looked up at me.

"I didn't want to leave mama all alone. She had always found it hard to be alone around the house even when my dad was still here. I didn't want mama to stay all alone so I gave up myself for Arthur. I knew someone had to quit their career in the sports world and since everybody was always so busy with Charles and Arthur... I just decided I wanted to give up on my career to let Arthur have a go in that sport."

"So you just gave up on yourself?"

"Kind of yes... I want my brothers happy alright. I would do anything for them."

"But what about you then?"

"I'm fine with anything Pierre. I'll survive as long as they are all happy and mama is happy."

"So you're willing to give up everything just for them? That's not how this world works..."

"I'm willing to have a 6 days a week job so I can make enough money to help mama out with the house and help Arthur cover his costs for the sport. I was willing to sell my dream house just so that I can stay with mama in the house she bought with the love of her life. I'm willing to give up anything just for them and I don't care how fucking tired I might be."

"That's not healthy Eileen..."

"Well it's needed. Someone needs to give things up to let this family keep close."

"But think about yourself. Didn't you work hard for that volleybal career? Because I remember that girl that trained 2 hours a day with volleybal drills and 2 hours in the gym to stay fit. The girl who had the strictest diet in her family and who worked a job besides training to cover her own expenses so..."

"Go on... finish that sentence."

"So the money that your parents would spend on you could go to Charles and Arthur..."

"Exactly Pierre."

"This has been going on for way too long Eileen... you need to start prioritize yourself for once."

"That's selfish Pierre."

"You know what's selfish. The fact that your brothers never thought about the fact that you gave up everything for them. You, Eileen, you are selfless. You do what makes other people happy."

"I do what makes my family happy not people."

"I don't care... you need to think about yourself."

"Your bed is ready. Sleep well."

She walked past me as she pulled off the high heels she was wearing.


She turned her head as she stood by the stairs. I swallowed as I looked at her small but perfect body. Her eyes looking into mine. Is it bad that the eyes Charles and Eileen share make me think of Eileen first?

"I mean it... do things for yourself not for others anymore. You've done that long enough."

She rolled her eyes before she walked upstairs leaving me standing in the living room in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I sighed as I climbed underneath the duvets on the couch. I thought about Kika and Eileen. Why was I even dating Kika when there was Eileen... Kika was 7 years younger then I am while Eileen is just a year younger so she's going through the same life stages as I am. I know Eileen since we're little and I always felt like she had the best kind of personality. So selfless to her family and her closest friends but anyone else could kiss her ass. Kika was beautiful, young and fun but she was one of those people that once you've seen it it's enough... there is someone out there for her but I don't think it's me. Eileen I've known for as long as I can remember and she's still full of adventure even though I know almost everything about her. She's more the kind of person I need around in my life... I know she's single and sometimes I think she might like me but I'm not really convinced. Should I shoot my shot with her? Break up with Kika and try my best with Eileen? Or try my best with Eileen and then break up with Kika so that I won't feel regret once I find out Eileen isn't into me...

(914 words)

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