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I've worked a few days now again and everything seems to be just fine. In 2 days I'll be flying out to meet with Pierre and Charles for our second part of the vacation in Sicily. I had finished my work day and I mentally I felt so shit. When I came home my mother looked at me with one of those appreciative smiles that carried all her live that she couldn't express into words.

"Oh cherie..."

I gave her a soft smile as she gave me a hug and kissed my hair softly. Her grip was tight and I softly felt a tear role down my cheek as I felt appreciated for all that I was doing for this family. For gods sake mama was the only one who had a little more idea of it then anyone here. She let go of me and I wiped the soft tears from my eyes.

"Sorry mama..."

"There's nothing to be sorry about Cherie. You're giving up your life... you should feel sad sometimes."

"Giving up my life?"

I was confused as I had never told anyone expect for Pierre that I gave up my life for my family."

"You don't think I'm blind right Eileen? I'm your mother I know and see everything."

"What do you mean?"

"You gave up your volleybal dream to support Charles and Arthur."

I felt a tear roll down my cheek and she gave me a reassuring smile as she was standing behind the stove cooking our dinner.

"How do you know?"

Somewhere half way that sentence broke because of my voice and she tilted her head a tiny bit holding that same reassuring smile.

"Eli... I know how much you loved volleybal and how much you did for that and your brothers. I've always noticed and I always loved you for that... it is what makes you unique my child... but I think it's time you stop this nonsense and start choosing for you."

"I can't mama... they need my financial support. Especially Arthur."

"I know they do but you're suffering cherie... you're drained mentally..."

"Who's mentally drained?"

The voice strangled my mother and I as it was the one belonging to my younger brother. I turned around and then saw Charles, Pierre and Arthur. I quickly turned myself back around and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Why are you crying Eli?"

"Mama told me a sad story about a girl she used to be friends with."

"Oh you sensitive little shit."

Charles placed a soft kiss on my hair like he always does in a brotherly way to show me his love for me.

"I'm gonna take a shower and change."

I sighed and as quickly as possible made my way past everyone upstairs. I sat down on my bed as I pulled off my heels. A soft knock on my door made me look up as Pierre peaked his head around the corner.

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