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I was so damn tired after our day of traveling. The flight was supposed to leave at at 10 but due to an engine fail we couldn't take off. They had to get a new plane and then reload all our luggage and reboard everyone. I felt tired sitting in the same airport chair for over 7 hours before we decided to move to the VIP lounge because saying 'it will probably be a few more minutes' for 7 hours is exhausting. I slept on Charles his shoulder for a good hour before he gently woke me up to tell me it was boarding time in 20 minutes. I had enough time to go to the toilet and then walk to the gate with the boys. I tiredly walked after Pierre and Charles until we were back into the row to board the plane. We found out seats in the economy class so we all sat next to each other with me in the window seat, Pierre in the middle and Charles on the hallway seat. Pierre is scared of flying so he wants to be as far from the window as possible. Charles has a habit of using the toilet every flight and I'm not about to stand up for his ass every flight. So that left us with this situation. I was fine with it though. I looked through the window during take off before I noticed Charles and Pierre were watching something on Pierre his phone. I yawned once again still tired. I positioned my head against the wall of the plane and kept moving trying to find a position before Pierre his hand pushed my head on his shoulder. He had moved the arm rest up so I could lean into him a little more and I hit the perfect nap position for in a plane. I closed my eyes and softly drifted off to sleep in a noisy plane in Pierre his arms. His arm softly around me as his hand drew simple figures on my leg like circles and triangles. I could really get used to this.

I woke up after Pierre softly whispered my name.

"Leen? You've to wake up princess."

Okay I could definitely get used to this. He was the sweetest person to ever wake me up. He softly drew circles on my hip as he had whispered in my ear gently for only us to hear.

"We're landing in 10 minutes."


"You've to wake up princess."

"I know..."

"But you don't want to?"


He chuckled softly before giving a gentle squeeze on my waist making me jump awake and squeal.

"Stop! You know I hate that!"

I whisper yelled at him as Charles and Pierre began laughing loudly at me while I gave them a grumpy look before pushing the armrest between Pierre and me back down and turning my back to them looking at the scenery below me through the plane window. I felt Pierre his fingertips trailing down my back and softly going up a little and down again in a rhythm as he placed his head on my shoulder.

"Ah Leenie you're not mad are you."

"Would rather call it grumpy."

"Like the dwarf from Snow White?"

I looked at him angrily as he and Charles chuckled again. I turned my head back as they started laughing a little louder. After landing I placed my AirPods in my ears and played music as I ignored both Pierre and Charles for laughing at my grumpiness. Assholes. I either walked a little in front of them or behind them depending on where I was and where they were of course. We were standing next to the tiniest luggage claim I had ever seen as both the boys were staring at me while I searched the luggage bang for my suitcase impatiently. When we had our suitcases we went to pick up our rental car and when we were in the back of a parking lot filled with cars and empty from people Pierre wrapped his arms around me from behind when I was standing next to the car.

"You're not mad at me right princess?"

"I'm annoyed."

"Because I squeezed your side?"


"Why? Charles always does it and you're never angry with him about it."

"I'm on my period... he knows not to do it then. Normally I don't like it but I don't mind it. When on my period I do."

"Sorry sunshine..."

"You couldn't know."

"Yeah but still."

"Maybe if you buy me a bar of chocolate I might forgive you."

"Mmm I will definitely take it into consideration. Anything else?"

"Passenger seat?"

"Hey hey hey. You're not that privileged."

I chuckled softly before we both got in the car with Charles who was already waiting behind the wheel. I sat behind Charles but laid across the backseats and fell asleep quite fast to be honest only to be woken up when the car came to an halt. I looked out the window seeing that we were in front of a hotel.

"Are we here already?"

"Yea if you didn't sleep you could have noticed it earlier."

"Shut up Charles."

I slapped the back of his head after he turned the engine off. We stepped out of the car and grabbed our suitcases before we went inside to check in. We had a suite with 2 rooms so that was reallllyyyy nice. The suite looked amazing. The white gave it such a clean look but with the wooden accents and details it made it just... I don't know... cozier? I wandered around the hotel room and settled on a room that had ocean view. It looked so amazing. I couldn't wait to see the sun set from my bed or maybe even the sun rise? Maybe but that would be early morning and I'm planning on getting as much hours of sleep as I possibly can! I looovvveee sleeping. I just do. I was sitting on the end of my bed for a few minutes before I walked into the little living roomish space. Pierre and Charles were already there and then I wondered how long I had been in my room?

"What's the plan?"

"Maybe a little beach day?"

"Nah you just wanna see my sister in a bikini."

"I already saw her in a bikini..."

"Yeah. But you wanna see it again."

"I mean I wouldn't mind."

Charles his expression made Pierre and me laugh. He looked like he was 2 seconds away from puking.

(1096 words)

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