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I felt tired as I woke up in my room. I went to the bathroom and that's when I noticed I started my fucking period! I looked at the clock that said 3 AM. I rubbed my eyes as I started rummaging through my luggage in hope I could find a tampon. I didn't find one and then realized I would have to go to Charles and Pierre's room because Charles normally carried a tampon in his backpack for me. I slipped some toilet paper in my panties and softly tip toed to their room and to Charles his backpack. I slowly rummaged through it when I heard a groan and turned around to see Pierre looking into my eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"Searching something..."

"Can't it wait till the morning."

"No I need a tampon."

"Charles doesn't have one he lend one to a girl on the airport. Said it was his last one."

"Please tell me it's a joke."

"Is it the time for a joke?"

"No... I'll go then."

"Where to? Bedroom?"

"Store. I need them."

"I'll go. You go stay in bed. Need something else?"


"For what?"

"Period pain."

"Okay come on sunshine... let's get you into bed."

He climbed out of bed and grabbed my hand leading me to my bedroom. He opened my duvet for me to climb in and then closed it before he kissed my temple.

"I'll be back soon."

He left the room and after a few minutes I heard the hotel door close. A while later he came back with a plastic grocery bag. I sat up in bed as he sat on the foot end.

"Okay... I have all the tampon sizes they had because I have no idea about those. I have painkillers and... this thing to put hot water in because I read online that it should help."

I pouted at him before giving him a hug.

"Thank you."

"No problem princess. I'll go fill this thing with hot water."

He left my room and then I rummaged through the tampons searching the biggest size. After I had my tampon and went to the toilet I took my painkillers and when I came out of the bathroom Pierre entered.

"I wrapped it in a towel. So it's less hot and a little softer."

"Thank you..."

He helped me into bed again and placed the hot water bag on my lower stomach. The warmth felt relieving and a content sigh fell over my lips. I soft chuckle came from Pierre.

"Stop laughing at me."

"Sorry. It's just amusing to see how content you are with some boiling water."

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