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The whole day was spend at the pool with Charles. Eileen had been in her office almost the whole day and only came out to eat lunch with us. We had decided to go out tonight with some of Charles his friends and Eileen and me. Joris, Andrea, Nico, Riccardo and Guizou would also join us. Eileen would be the only girl coming and Charles had insisted that she would come. I was getting dressed in a all black outfit. Black jeans with a black button up. The button up a little further open then normally but it was clubbing so it was okay. I walked downstairs and found Charles in a pair of blue jeans and a dark blue shirt as Eileen was standing in the hallway on her phone softly bitting her nail as she was concentrating on reading something. She a short white dress on with little gems on the side and it looked spectacular on her. It was short but it was long enough to cover everything.

She wore a pair of her white 'so Kate' Louboutin heels like always underneath the dress as her hair was done loose and a perfect blow out

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She wore a pair of her white 'so Kate' Louboutin heels like always underneath the dress as her hair was done loose and a perfect blow out... I think that's what it is called. Charles cleared his throat and looked at me with a stern face.

"You have drool at the corner of your mouth."


I quickly wiped at my mouth but I wasn't drooling. He laughed hard at my reaction and I groaned a little.

"Not funny."

"Oh it very much is funny!"

I sighed as Charles and I went to the front door where Eileen was already waiting. She had done a bit more make-up then normally but with that I meant a little more Smokey eyeshadow. It made her beautiful blue eyes pop out more and it was stunning.

"Do you want man to stare at you?"

"Maybe I do maybe I don't."

A small smirk came playing on her lips as she answered my question piercing straight through my soul with those eyes. She turned her head opened the door and started making her way to her car.

"Charles I swear to god... she's driving me crazy."

"It's gonna be a long long night for you then mate. When she's drunk she's the flirty kind of drunk... believe me it's no fun to watch as a brother."

"I believe that."

I sighed once more before Charles and I followed after her and sat down in the car. I was sitting next to her in the passenger seat as she easily drove the BMW i8. We arrived at the club and saw the rest of the guys waiting there. We headed inside and trying to get through the busy club I walked closely behind Eileen. We found ourselves a booth and ordered some drinks. I had offered to drive us back so Eileen wouldn't have to lay back and just watch us get drunk. I decided to stay safe with a simple Coca Cola. The evening was spend with laugh and talks and then I noticed Eileen slipping out of the booth and heading to the toilets being followed by a man from the dance floor who I had seen looking at her more than necessary. I waited in my spot for 7 minutes before getting out of the booth and walking towards the toilets. I didn't see them but I heard some muffled voices around the corner. I silently walked around the corner and saw that he had pinned her against the wall harshly. He had a knee between her legs as he held her arms up with one hand and with the other hand he was grabbing her dress probably to push it up.

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