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Someone must have stubbed their toe really hard on the couch because the loud scream or groan or whatever it was was loud as fuck in the quiet of the morning. I opened my eyes slightly as I looked on the clock. It was only 5:30 am. Who the hell was up at this time of the day. I climbed out of bed and followed the sounds downstairs. Eileen... we'll what a surprise. She was drastically looking everywhere for something. So no one stubbed their toe... bummer.

"What are you looking for? Is it special enough to look for it at 5:30 in the morning?!"

I sounded a little annoyed which was true to be honest. I had had 3 hours of sleep and she had like what? 3,5 hours from when I brought her upstairs... maybe a little longer because she slept on her laptop.

"I can't find my files! I need them!"

"Can't it wait it so early Eileen..."

"Do I look like I'm having time to wait?!"

Taking a better look at her she didn't... she wore a tight dark gray wrap dress that ended a few short centimeters above her knees but with perfect long sleeves and a perfect V line. I tilted my head a little as she walked around on a pair of matching grey Louboutin heels. The 'so Kate' model heels were the only ones she wore and she had them in all the colors you could think of. Her hair was done in a perfect blow out as her make-up was lightly done but perfectly natural. She let out a frustrated grown. This girl was going to work... what in name of god?!

"Eileen. You've got to be kidding me."


"You're going to work right now?!"

"Yes. I need to be in Sanremo at 8AM."


"Italy! Italy, Pierre! I need to be in fucking Italy!"

She brought her hands over her face as she sighed. When she looked at me she frowned.

"I'm really really sorry for that response. You didn't deserve that. I'm just really stressed out."

"It's alright princess. What are you looking for again?"

"Files. They're in a white map with a red sticker on top."

"Oh yeah I stacked those away for you before bringing you up last night."

"Oh my god you're my hero! Where are they?"

"The pile on your desk. They're the last one."

She kissed my cheek before she strode with big strides to her office. She grabbed the files and then jogged to the front door.

"Thank you you're an angel Pierre!"

"Do I deserve a reward."

She giggled softly as she gave me a soft smirk.

"Don't get over excited Gasly."

"Can't help it Leclerc."

She gave me a soft wink as she grabbed her bag and keys and walked out the door shooting me one last look as she closed the door. Mmm... this girl is freaking amazing.


When I arrived in Italy I was sitting in my cars with so much nerves. IT was a building to get my certificate as a CEO. Had I told anyone yet? No definitely not. I would get my certificate, get my own company off the ground even more and then when the time was right I could leave my CFO job to go do my fulltime CEO job. For now the two jobs gave me enough income and I liked that. But sometimes it was time for a change and that time was now. I had never told anyone I worked at my own company as well but that's not something I wanted to tell. I wanted the engineering company to take off first and in the past 3 months it had taken off more then I expected that's why I was here to learn more about the role of CEO... you're probably thinking why I chose engineering, I got my masters in engineering this year even though I had never told anyone I had gotten my second bachelor and masters now. I knew all of it but I just wanted to be sure once more. With a sigh I climbed out of my car and walked into the building. This would change so much for my life. Also maybe one of the reasons I didn't want a relationship with Pierre or anyone else at the moment. I was too focused on getting my company ready for the last pushes towards succes. I didn't know how my life would go when I reached that point or if I even was gonna reach that point. So I didn't need a man begging for my attention when I could barely give myself attention right now.

"Hai I'm Eileen Leclerc. I'm here for the single day course for the CEO lines."

"Yes of course. To your right the last room."

"Thank you."

I smiled friendly at the receptionist and then walked my way through the building going to that one specific room. Here goes nothing I guess...

(841 words)

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