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After I had my shoots in Spain... yes I did multiple it was time to start out real vacation. We would spend a week on a yacht with some other F1 drivers that I actually didn't know but well I guess that's alright. After that week we would head to Sicily for the remaining 1,5 weeks. The staff of the yacht helped us on board as we were the first to arrive. We walked around the boat noticing that in every room there had to sleep at least 2 people. Charles looked at Pierre.

"One of us is sleeping with Eileen in a room. I'm not letting her sleep with one of the others."

"With other you mean Lando, Max or Daniel? Because George brought Carmen remember."

"Exactly. Max and Daniel are sharing a room for sure so Lando is left."

"Hell to the no I'm sleeping with that kid in a room! I won't last a day!"

"Then it's settled. I'll go with Lando and you'll go with my sister."

Great just great. Now I have to share a room with someone that likes me. I already am trying my hardest to not let him win and take me out but now we also need to share a room. We picked a room somewhere half way the hallway and started unpacking a little bit. While we did I met the other guys and Carmen. She was immediately so sweet and happy that I was here as well. We smiled at each other before they left and the boat was complete now. Pierre closed the door as they left and leaned against it as he looked at me with a tilted head.

"Why don't you want me?"

"Sorry what?"

I was caught off guard by that random question as I stopped what I was doing and looked Pierre straight in the eyes.

"Why don't you want me?"

"No I heard it I was just caught off guard..."

"Well? I just want to know..."

"Believe me... I do like you too. I just... I think we might be too different for uhm... you know a relationship. We would ruin everything for Charles I don't want that."

"He already gave me permission."

"No he didn't..."

"He did. He said that as long as I don't hurt you he's okay with it."

"He is?"

"Yeah... he trusts me with you sunshine. I have helped you twice now so he trusts me that when I'm around I'll help and protect you."

"That's true... but how do you wanna go on when you're back racing and I'm in Monaco working my ass off... I've never had time to visit Charles. Not even at the Monaco Grand Prix because for some reason I'll always have to be in a foreign country myself for work."

"Well... what about face-time and texting. When I'm not racing I can come to Monaco for you. I would even sell my Milan apartment to live in Monaco so I'm closer to you."

"I know you would but I cannot ask something like from you. That's not how this works."

"For me it does work like that because we're talking about you and me. I don't think you understand how much I like you sunshine. You're on my mind all the time. Sometimes in the background but most of the time in front."

"That's really sweet Pierre..."

"Don't say but. I don't want to hear but."

"Then I won't say my but..."

I grabbed my bikini and walked into the bathroom as I closed the door.

"No but seriously Eileen. I just need one chance."

"I know you need one chance that why I'm not giving you one."

"Stop avoiding it princess. You and I both know we would make a perfect team."

"Keep dreaming big boy."


"Suck it up. Life ain't no fairytale."

"Since when did you become so harsh."

"Since you can't take hints."

I was done changing into my electric blue bikini that was quite... on the smaller side. But well... less tanlines I guess. I walked out of the bathroom seeing Pierre standing in a pair neon orange swimming trunks and he looked really good. We just stood there staring at each other. He had a well carved body into the details and even though I had expected that I hadn't expected it to be THIS beautiful. He had his natural tan with the sickpack and my god. His arms were muscular. I could tell even though he wasn't even flexing them. He took some slow steps towards me until we were a few inches apart and I had to look up to look him in the eyes. Why did Charles get all the height genetics! Stupid 161 cm! I looked up at his light green almost gray eyes as he looked down into my blue eyes. His eyes were beautiful. From far away they just looked grey but up close you could tell the green more.

"You're gonna drive me insane if you wear bikinis like this one the whole vacation."

"Then I have bad news for you."

"Eileen I'm not making a joke here."

"I'm serious. I didn't pack any other bikinis except bikinis similar to this one."

He groaned softly as he tilted his head back. After a sigh he turned his eyes from the ceiling to my eyes again.

"Are you trying to tease me?"

"Mmm no but now that you're saying that you're giving me ideas..."

"Don't even try Eileen. You're driving me insane without trying already."

"To bad then."

I walked passed him as my shoulder brushed against his skin and I could hear him suck in his breath. Okay I have to admit I love having that effect on him. I walked to the top deck where some of the people were already laying on the pillowed sun beds. I took place on one as well and as it was quiet I just decided to take a nice little nap while I was out here because I just love a good nap in the sun.

(1019 words)

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