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Convincing Charles to let Eileen and me go out on a date tonight wasn't hard. When I asked he didn't need a second to think he just immediately said yes. I am damn sure I have approval from him. I had dressed myself in a pair of shorts and a simple shirt with a pair of sneakers to look a little casual. When I knocked on Eileen her bedroom door she screamed a come in. I walked in and looked around finding her in the bathroom. She wore a white dress with white heels and I can tell you they're not casual at all. More like a formal casual maybe but I had to admit she looked soooo good in it.

"Now I feel underdressed."

"Why? Maybe Charles is dressed the same and I'm just overdressed?"

"Charles isn't coming."

She stopped putting on mascara and looked at me with a little frown.

"What do you mean?"

"We're going on our first date.."


"I just talked about it with Charles."


"Well I'm gonna change into something more dressed up. Will be right back alright?"

After a while I came back to the her room and she was almost done. She applied a last layer of lip gloss to her perfect plump lips before checking how she looked in the mirror of the bathroom while I just peaked into the bathroom. She could see me through the mirror and smiled softly. I changed myself into a pair of linen shorts with a button up.


"I am yes. You?"

"Never been more ready for anything."

We stepped into a cab outside of the hotel who brought us to the address I had given him. Stepping out of the car we looked at a beautiful mansion. Eileen looked at me with confusion lining her beautiful features.

"What are we doing here?"

"Just wait and see."

She followed me inside and even though I wanted to hold her hand while doing so I decided not too scared that fans would spot us. We walked inside of the house and only then you could notice the buzzing restaurant.

"Hi how can I help you?"

"Reservation for Gasly."

"Ah of course. Follow me."

We followed the waitress up the stairs onto a balcony with only 1 table. One only for us. The buzzing of the restaurant had softened and was only to be heard when listening very carefully. The waitress left us alone after leaving a bottle of red wine behind. Eileen stood half a step before me looking at the table for two in front of her surrounded by rose petals and fairy lights hanging on the walls surrounding us.

"Do you like it?"

My voice was soft and unsure. Not knowing her reaction because all I could see was her back. She softly shook her head before looking at me with a smile so bright my insides warmed up at the sight.

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