5: A Friend

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{braces are for the thoughts of the current person's POV} [brackets are for side notes in writing] (parentheses are notes not directly involved with the story)

     Looking up, I respond with, 

     "Uh, sure, what's your name?" I'm not exactly social, and I do prefer to be alone, but having a friend wouldn't be so bad, right?

     "I'm Amber! And you are?"

     "Uhh, I'm Y/N."

     Amber sits down on my left side and takes out a notebook from who knows where. Are they a magician or something? 

     Amber opened the book and held it in front of me, saying, "So, since we're going to be friends, you'll probably want to know more about me. I enjoy making friends with people, but talking about myself gets boring after a while. I made a book with basic information so people can read it!"

     Amber drops the notebook, and I catch it with my right wing, reading what's on there. It says the pronouns, she/her, under her name. Her favorite color is pink, she really likes top hats for some reason, favorite food is potato soup, favorite flavor of a sweet[as in like a lollipop, ice cream, or candy]is strawberry, birthday is October 12, zodiac sign is Libra{not that I cared much}, and she wants to be a chef when she grows up. "So, tell me about you!" she says, energetically.

     "Well, my pronouns are they/them[for this story], my favorite color is (f/c), favorite food is (f/f), favorite sweet flavor is (f/s/f), my birthday is (m/d)[it stands for month/day], my zodiac sign is (z/s){why am I telling her this?}, and I want to be a (d/p)[dream profession/job]when I grow up," I say.

     "Ooh, interesting! Do you want to have a race? First one to 5 laps wins!" Amber says. 

     "I'm always up for a race," I say, standing up with a smug face[imagine it however you want, idk how a duck does it].

     On the count of 3, we fly up into the air and start going. The gym was really big, but because of my speed, I easily complete a lap in 15 seconds. Once I finish all the laps, I go back to the spot we were at and wait for Amber. Heavily breathing, she says, 

     "Wow, how are you so fast? You aren't even tired!" 

     I respond, saying, "Oh, I practice my speed and endurance often. I'm not really physically strong, but I'm quite agile." Amber just stares at me in awe for a few seconds. 

     For the rest of the time, we just did races, both flying and running, played tag, and talked. Once the bell rang at 12:50, I said goodbye, grabbed my backpack, and started walking home. I was quite happy to have made a new friend.

     (459 words)

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