9: Summer Begins

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(No POV)

     It was the last day of school, the last class of the day. Everyone was very excited. During P.E., most of the ducks were flying or running around. When school finally ended, everyone was quick to leave, especially Y/N. As much as they loved to be at school and talk to their friends, they enjoyed to read(or whatever hobbies you have) and relax. And as social as Amber was, that takes a lot of energy, so she could really use some rest. 

     Once Amber got home, she decided to finally try out some baking, since school has kept her from it. She took out the ingredients in order to make a small, vanilla flavored cake. As for Y/N, they decided to go (insert hobby here). 

(Amber's POV)

     After I finished making the cake, I thought I'd give it to Y/N to try it. They showed me their home, so I knew the way to go. It's also a way to help me practice my flight. I grabbed my cake and put it safely into a backpack, then put the backpack on.

     I left my little area, then started flying over to Y/N's house, seeing lots of vegetation below me. Once I got there, I called out to Y/N, who seemed to be busy with (hobby). "Hey Y/N!" Y/N looks at me, wondering why I'm there. "I brought you something!" I say, taking the cake out of my backpack and showing them. "Oh, you didn't have to!" They respond, placing their wing behind their head. "Well, I thought it'd be a nice way to practice baking and show kindness to friends!" I exclaim. Y/N just sighs and shows me to the dining room table. 

     Y/N takes a bite out of the cake. Their face looks surprised. "Wow, this is really good, especially for your first time!" they say. "Aw, thank you!" 

     After that, Y/N said I could stay to watch a little bit of TV with them. I agreed. We went through 1 episode of a lot of different shows. We were having so much fun that I didn't even realize it was almost dinner time with my family.

(Y/N's POV)

     As we were halfway through a TV show episode, Amber sits up. "Is something wrong?" I ask. "Oh, I've just realized I have to go home. It's almost dinner time for me," she explains. I nod in understanding, and she flies off with her stuff. I decided I should get myself some dinner as well, then left to the kitchen.

(421 words)

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