6: Family Chaos

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(3rd person Amber's POV)

     Amber reached her home. It was a large pond, since she had a younger brother, twin sister, an older brother, and both her parents were alive and breathing. The pond was separated by grass into 4 even sections: a kitchen/dining room, the bedroom, with 6 lily pads as sleeping spots, a living room to chill and watch Duck TV, and an extra room for peace. The grass that surrounded the extra room was tall enough to give privacy. As Amber went in the living room, sitting on the edge of connected lily pads, her twin sister, Ember[haha epic naming skills go brrr], ran in from the bedroom, screaming, 

     "Welcome home! How was your first day of school?" Amber sighed, clearly annoyed, and said, 

     "Fine, I did make a friend today." Amber noticed her twin sister's eyes light up, her black feathers begin ruffling, and her white tipped[solid tipped, not a gradient fade] wings began flapping, causing her to lightly float above the lily pad. Amber knew what was coming next. While she was quite social, Ember was even more so. She was always excited whenever Amber brought news that she made a new friend.

     "So, what's their name? What do they look like? Are they nice? Are they social or antisocial? Do they-" Ember cuts off as Amber clasps her beak using her right wing. 

     "Please, one question at a time," Amber sighs, exasperated. Ember calms herself down and asks the questions, one by one. They ended up talking about Y/N for about 1 hour until the rest of their family came home. Amber planned to make everyone some popcorn to watch a movie before dinner, so she counted everyone to make sure no one was missing. Her dad, Bob, with light gray feathers. Her mom, Anna, with dark gray feathers. Her older brother, Jackson, usually called Jack, with medium gray feathers that faded to dark gray on the wings. Her younger brother, Zak, with a medium gray feathers but a light gray fade on the wings. Yep, that was everyone. "Okay, everyone, I want us to watch a movie together, so get yourself comfortable while I prepare popcorn," Amber said, retreating into the kitchen.

     She grabbed a bag of kernels from the wooden cabinet to her left, then poured some into a white bowl. On her left, she put the bowl into a microwave and heated it up until the kernels popped. Afterward, she took the bowl out, added some salt and butter, then left back to the living room.

     "Alright, have you guys settled on a movie?" Amber asked. Her family nods, and she sits in the middle, holding the popcorn. The movie starts playing, and for the first 10 minutes, everyone was calm. Enjoying the popcorn, watching the movie, and relaxing. Unfortunately, Zak had to go the bathroom, Ember stole his spot, he got mad, dived onto Ember, and caused the family to fall off the lily pads into the water. 

     "You know what, maybe the movie wasn't a good idea. I'll just prepare the bread for dinner and we can eat later," Anna said, leaving. Everyone went to the bedroom to read except Amber, who stayed and turned on some Spongebob to watch. Once dinner was done, everyone sat around the table and managed to eat the bread while making light conversation. When everyone finished, they went to bed and slept.

(569 words)


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