12: Just a Dream

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(Y/N's POV)

     I wake up. I'm on my little lily pad bed. I'm glad, it was just a dream. It felt really... real, though. I don't even think it was in the same world. Or maybe it was just something I'd forgotten. It kind of unsettles me. Hanging out with Amber and talking about it might help, though.

(Amber's POV)

     I was feeling bored, and I remembered that I needed to check up on my plants. I went to my little pond and started to water the plants and make sure they were healthy. All of them were ok. I still had plenty of time before the things I ordered were ready to pick up, so I decided to start baking a few cupcakes. I got everything, mixed it together, set the batter into tins, and put it into the oven. While those baked, I got some frosting prepared.

     As I was in the middle of mixing, I heard pattering and rustling. A voice calls out. "Amber, are you in here?" It's Y/N's voice. "Yeah, do you want to come in?" I respond. "Yes, please."

     I brush the grass aside and let Y/N in. They let off an uneasy energy. "Are you okay? Did something happen?" I ask, worried. "Yeah, I'm okay. I just... had a strange dream. I wanted to talk about it with you," they say. I pat one of the seats around the circle table. "I was able to afford a bit of furniture by selling baked goods. I bought these stools painted a mushroom design and wooden table because it looked nice," I say. 

     Y/N sits down. I walk to the fridge and pour a cup of peach juice for me and a cup of f/d for Y/N. I set the drinks down, and I hear the oven beep. I completely forgot about cupcakes! "Ah! Give me second, please," I say. I take the cupcakes out of the oven, out of the tins, and set them aside to cool. Then, I finish up the frosting, coloring it blue and pink. 

     I grab a piping bag and put both of the colors of frosting inside. Once I pipe the frosting onto the cupcakes, it looks pretty. The frosting is swirled with both colors next to each other. I take the 5 cupcakes and set them on the table, then sit on a stool to the right of Y/N. 

     "So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask, taking a bite of a cupcake and sipping some peach juice. "Ah, well, I had a strange dream. I woke up in a house. It wasn't one that was a pond, it was a fancy one. It had 2 floors and a fair bit of furnishings. But, I wasn't myself. Like, I wasn't a duck. There were people arguing downstairs. Once one of them began to walk towards where I was, I ran to the bed and pulled the covers over me. I was scared. Then the dream suddenly ended..." Y/N says, calmly as possible. 

     I suddenly feel scared and paranoid. Why? Is this something I might've remembered too? I have to be focused on comforting Y/N, though. "It's okay, at least it was just a dream. Perhaps you'd visited a friend's house and didn't remember, and that's what it looked like? Or you'd seen paintings of similar things? Either way, it wasn't real. Maybe eating some of the cupcakes or drinking something will help." Y/N slightly nods, and eats one of the cupcakes. "Oh, this tastes really nice!" Y/N exclaims, "what flavor is it?" 

     "The pink one is flavored strawberry, and the blue one is flavored blueberry," I say. For the rest of the time, we talk about various topics, such as cool activities we could do, and some of our favorites. Once it gets dark outside, Y/N says goodbye and leaves. I hope they feel a little better, and have good dreams.

(654 words)

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