17: Strange Events

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(Y/N's POV)

     It's the first day of school. *exasperated groaning* I don't wanna go though. At least I have Amber though. I got my stuff packed up, and left. Not long after, Amber came flying.

     "Y/N! Something's happened!" she says, landing. "Hmm? What sort of things?" I ask. "Some ducks have mysteriously disappeared! And- and one of them was..." Amber cuts off. "Who? What? I'm confused," I say.

     "Ah, right, you don't have a TV. Well, one of the ducks were our friends..." Amber says. I see her eyes start to water, and I pat her back, trying to console her. She started crying, and I was about to as well. "Shh, it's okay, they might not be dead, they could just be missing," I whisper. I hope it convinces her, even though I'm not convinced.

     We stood there for I believe half an hour, then Amber calmed down. Very emotional duck, I will say. "Oh, sorry for taking so long to calm down. It's embarrassing, having to console someone for half an hour," Amber mutters. I pat her again and reply with, "It's ok, the loss of someone important to you isn't exactly easy to handle. By the way, who was it?" "Oh, it was Joshua."

     "Well, uh, I know you just told me Joshua went missing, but don't we have to go to school?" I ask Amber. She starts to stare at me, with a look of  either realization or "You idiot there is not school ducks have disappeared why tf would they still have school." It was the second one. "We don't have school, it was cancelled, maybe to let ducks stay home to be safer," Amber tells me. "Ah, I guess that makes sense. Well, want me to come over to your home so we can hang out? It might cheer you up," I say. Amber nods, and we start heading over to her home.

(319 words)

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