18: Gateway

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(Y/N's POV)

     Once we got to Amber's house, we went to her little pond area. I'll help her with caring for her plants, she likes them very much. "Okay, so, it looks like most of the plants are doing good, I think they just need some more water," Amber says. She hands me a watering can and grabs one for herself, then we go around watering all her plants. "Where did these come from?" I ask, pointing to a large field of various flowers. "Ah, well I had an interest in growing flowers as well, because I thought just growing foods was boring," Amber says, "the flowers really add more color as well." 

     Apparently, there were so many plants, we had to refill our watering cans 5 times each to water them all. "Goodness, Amber, do you not tire of caring for these plants?" I ask. "Well, I find it better than caring for a child, or a pet. They run around, have too much energy, make a great mess, and, are not as pretty as a flower may be," Amber responds. "Well, what would you like to do now, Y/N?" Amber then asks. "I've been wanting to learn how to cook food, since I mostly eat seeds, grass, bread, and dirt," I say.

     "Then I'll teach you!" she happily exclaims, pulling me inside to her little kitchen area. She pulled out a book and opened it up to a page. "Okay, let's try making some potato and carrot soup!" she says. (lol I didn't feel like googling the way to make this, so we're skipping to after sorry-)

     After we finish, I sigh and wash up. I messed up making it at some point, and got some of the soup on us. Since it was my first time, and because I'm one of her friends, Amber forgave me. We tried the soup, and it was really good. Amber told me she'd make us some chocolate  chip cookies, so I went outside to check out her plants again. She planted a lot of them in a little cluster, so there was like a mini rainforest outside. It was still really big, but smaller than the ones I'd seen. I decided to try and find the center of it. I thought it could be peaceful and relaxing. I wandered around for what I think was 3 minutes until I find a little clearing with a log. Some colorful little flowers surrounded it. I walk towards the log and sit down. Amber told me there were some other, small birds in here (not ducks) and other creatures. I watch some of them scamper through the clearing, until I hear a strange sound.

     It was... very difficult to describe. It sounded kind of like wooshing, whirling, and just overall strange. I brushed it off as "water hitting the ground in a very weird way". However, it started to get louder, and I looked down. I realized one of the flowers(yellow center with alternating light blue and light purple petal color), had begun to glow. I knew that wasn't how flowers should work, so I stood up and gently flapped my wings. I hovered low to the ground, and looked at the flower. I heard soft whispers from it, and the flower actually started to get bigger, and the flower petals seemed to swirl and merge in the previously yellow center, creating a portal like thing. I got creeped out, so I flew up out of the rainforest, and back to Amber's place.

     Once I was near, I saw the grass around her area rustling. I landed softly, and saw Amber walking out. She called to me, saying, "Ah, Y/N! Come in, the cookies are done." I followed her inside and saw that she'd already set up the table. There were two plates, each with 3 cookies, along with a small cup near each. She sat me down, then took her own seat. For the rest of the time, we just enjoyed the cookies and talked to each other. After, I said goodbye, and went back to my home. 

     By then, it was dark, so I just tried going to sleep.

(697 words)

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