7: Surprise!

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(Y/N's POV) (Btw italics are now the thoughts!)

     As I wake up, I feel like someone's watching me. Although, that isn't much of a concern, seeing how I haven't added grass walls yet. I just feel safer when I can see what's around where I live. I sit up on the lily pad and hop off to where my backpack is. Once I put it on, I hear a voice whisper.


      "AHHHHHH! WHO THE HECK IS THAT!?" I screamed.

     "Calm down, it's just me!" I recognize the voice to be Amber's, then sigh in relief. 

     "Please. Do not do that," I say, annoyance clear in my voice. 

     "Hehe, sorry!" she says, apologetically. Still annoyed, I gently slap the back of her head with my wing. "Ow," she mutters. That's what you get. 

     "Well, since you're here anyways, would you like to walk to school together?" I asked. She eagerly nods her head, and we start walking to school. Sometimes we'd pass bye another duck's house, a playground, a restaurant, or whatever else was near the path. Once we got to school, it was 8:00. 

     When I got to my math class, I saw someone had taped a picture of a very silly duck to my desk. Why? I took the picture off and put it in my backpack to show Amber later. Class went on as normal, then it was 8:35. Time for next class, since it was a Tuesday. We have shorter classes and an early release. More time for peace. 

     I got to my ELA class, and saw our teacher. In a clown outfit. The bright yellow, blue, purple, whatever colors on the outfit, did not look good on her. She was a very light gray color. Well, then again, a clown outfit never looks good on anyone. Her name was Alyssa. Too gRaCeFuL a name for an outfit like that. She was apparently dared by another teacher to wear that. The outfit distracted everyone, including me, so no one even had much work done by 9:10. 

     In art class, we got to work on a huge painting together. It looked okay. It was a painting of a duck with various colors on it. The outline of it was strange, since all of us worked on it. At 9:45, everyone left to lunch. They were serving tacos, probably because Taco Tuesday. 

     During P.E. we played tag. For the first half it was on foot only, but we were allowed to fly during the second half. The coach had me and Amber start as the people who were it. I tagged someone else very quickly, and spent the rest of the time avoiding or hiding.

     At 10:50, I was relieved that class was over. I was tired from the day's surprised, and I just needed to sleep until it was time to make dinner. So I did. At dinner, I had some bread and some seeds. Very nutritious. I read for about 30 minutes until it was dark, then went to sleep.

(504 words)

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