Chapter 3 ~ mi casa su casa ~

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Wit sat in the rental car beside Masa directing him to his place, he couldn't believe he'd just flirted with this guy, what the hell was wrong with him? obviously the guy was super hot but still, and now the guy was going to think he invited people all the time, him and his big mouth.

He just couldn't seem to control himself around the man, for years he had avoided any kind of personal interactions. With female clients he kept it strictly business and men had never been an issue, he had never felt any kind of attraction to another guy ... until now.

In the space of a few short hours, he had ogled the guy's face checked out his ass, flirted with him and even held him in his arms. What spell had the guy cast over him because right now he felt as if he had been possessed by a lustful demon. He was even making excuses to keep the guy with him for longer than necessary.

Masa followed Wit's directions and soon he was pulling in to an apartment complex. It looked a really nice place and Masa was directed to a private parking space with Wit's unit number displayed.

He killed the engine and climbed out of the car, grabbing a change of clothes from his case before following Wit inside the building. A security guard welcomed Wit and he responded by asking the guard how he was?

Masa was envious when thinking how even the basics of social interactions appeared warm to him, it made him realise how lonely his life was. It wasn't as if he hadn't tried to get close to people only to feel that gnawing disappointment after they tried to use him either for his connections, money or both.

The few who hadn't tried to exploit the friendship had drifted away over time, some even explaining they felt they had nothing in common with him anymore but he was still the same person they met and dating was an elusive commodity.

Masa was a 26 year old virgin who had everything but no one to share it with. No one to go home to at night, no one to ask how he was or what kind of a day he'd had. His epitaph would probably read 'here lies Matsumae Masahiro, Viscount Virgin'

His lifeless virgin body would probably be found half eaten by wildlife as his home crumbled and the grounds became overgrown. His ancestors would be greatly disappointed in him and ashamed to call him their blood but this wasn't ancient Japan, it was the 21st century.

Masa gave a little laugh at himself and Wit turned around at the sound.

"you ok there bud?" Wit asked.

"fine, thank you, just tired I guess" Masa replied.

"what you need is a hot shower, some food and a rest, you should really take a short nap before driving the rest of the way to J'muzu's place, it's dangerous to drive when your so tired" Wit said.

"yes, your right, I'll take a quick shower and then I'll go find a room somewhere to sl ..."

"nonsense, you can take a nap at my place" Wit interjected,

'and there it was again Wit thought, I'm making excuses to keep him with me. They arrived at the door of Wit's place and he keyed in his code. They slipped off their shoes as they entered and Wit showed Masa to the bathroom and told him where the clean towels were,

"make yourself at home Masa, mi casa su casa" 

While Masa showered, Wit set the rice cooker going and then went to take a shower himself in his second bathroom, he dressed in jeans and a blue and white striped shirt over a white tee and he felt much better.

While he waited for Masa to emerge from the bathroom he sat down to check his emails while drinking a small can of his favourite supplement. There was nothing really important, no messages from his friends, they were probably still unconscious after last night especially Orm, she had been completely out of it.

The Mechanic and the Salaryman  🤍  Vee/MarkWhere stories live. Discover now