Chapter 14 ~ I won't say it again! ~

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Dinner the night before had been a little uncomfortable for Ariki, while Wit and his boss had been jovial he'd kept his head down all the while feeling Pat's eyes on him then he'd managed to slip away soon after feigning tiredness.

Pat knew Ariki was avoiding him since the kiss but he wasn't worried, he would just give him time. When Ariki had excused himself, Pat had seen no reason to intrude on the lovebirds so he left them shortly after make a few call's.

The following morning, Masa was sitting up in bed reading a book while Wit rested his head on his shoulder pretending to be asleep. Masa looked down at his handsome boyfriend and wondered how he got so lucky.

Wit had to visit his garage later for a couple of hours and Masa had assured him he would be ok at Pat's place with Ariki. He was still grateful that Pat had given him sanctuary on his vast estate but in fairness he didn't think the boy was dangerous, just a little deluded.

After breakfast Wit kissed Masa and told him he wouldn't be long and that he would see him later. After Wit left, Masa told Ariki to take some time off while he had the chance and he went back up to the room he was sharing with Wit.

Deciding to take a relaxing bath he went into the bathroom to start filling the bath and poured in some scented bubble bath. Once the bath was filling he began to get undressed and it was then he realized his chest was bare.

The medallion, he remembered Wit removing it and placing it on the bedside table. He had to go back and get it, it was his family crest, an antique and extremely valuable. He knew Wit's key code and the door man knew who he was, there shouldn't be any problem.

He didn't have any transport so he called for an uber, he wouldn't be very long so he turned the taps off, he would just top it up with hot water when he got back. Dashing to Ariki's door he tapped lightly in case his assistant was napping and there was no answer.

He sent a quick message letting him know he was popping out and would be back in about an hour then he went downstairs to wait for his ride. He didn't see Pat as he left but he informed the security that he was popping out and he wouldn't be long and when the security guy seemed reluctant to let him leave alone he assured him he would be ok, he was just going to pick something up and would come right back.

The cab arrived on time and Masa jumped in giving the driver  Wit's address, he didn't notice the security guy talking to someone on his radio. It wasn't long before they pulled up outside Wit's apartment complex and Masa jumped out asking the driver to wait for him.

He entered the building greeting the doorman as he went in telling him he was just collecting something from Wit's place. Luckily the doorman recognized him so he waved him through and wished him a good day.

Masa went up in the lift and went to Wit's place keying in the security code, luckily he remembered it right and the door beeped open. He went inside and walked through to the bedroom and there it was, his medallion. He grabbed it quickly and put it on then ran back out to make his way back down to the waiting cab.

As he approached the door of Wit's apartment, someone entered wearing jeans, a white tee shirt, a blue denim shirt and a baseball cap. He kept his head down so Masa didn't know who he was.

The person walked in and slowly closed the door behind him.

"did you think I wouldn't find you Matsumae san?" the person looked up and Masa was shocked to see that it was Kiru Warihaga.

"Warihaga san, what are you doing here?" Masa said calmly.

"I've come to be with you of course, how could you take a vacation without telling me?" he replied.

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