Chapter 6 ~ is it good? ~

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After a lovely lunch, the guys separated to return to the city. J'muzu told Masa he would keep in touch and let him know when he was coming back, he'd already given him a spare key when he had arrived so that Masa could come and go as he pleased. Masa told J' to have a safe trip and Wit assured J' that he would take care of his friend.

Masa drove the rental car to the local office with Wit following and after returning the keys and completing the paperwork he climbed into Wit's car to return to the city. 

"are you sure about this Wit, I can easily stay at J's place, I'm used to being alone" Masa asked him one more time.

"very sure Masa, you're giving me a great excuse to take some time for myself" Wit replied.

In truth he had been glad when the opportunity arose to invite Masa back to his place and he was glad that Pat hadn't given him too much opposition. It wasn't too bad for J' because he had been going to work anyway, the only difference was that he would be away from home.

The drive back to the city was completed in record time and it felt surreal to be back in Wit's apartment. Wit helped Masa with his bags and showed him to the spare bedroom.

Both boys freshened up and when Masa left his room he found Wit in the kitchen making a drink. Masa sat on one of the stools and Wit pushed a steaming cup of tea towards him.

 " thank you Wit" Masa said taking a sip of the refreshing liquid.

 "do you want to go out to eat this evening or do you want to chill?" Wit asked him.

 "I'm happy to do whatever you want" Masa replied.

 "what do you think if we just chill this evening and make a day of it tomorrow?, we can watch a movie or work out in the gym?" Wit suggested.

 " you have a gym? " Masa was surprised.

 " yes, I'll show you after this" Wit promised.

Masa was big on keeping fit so he was interested to see Wits home gym, he had one himself back in Japan. They quickly finished their tea and Wit led him down a corridor and opened a door. 

The room itself was decorated in soft peach with a varnished wood floor and hosted an extensive assortment of gym equipment. One whole wall held a floor to ceiling mirror.

Wit showed him into another room which was a sauna large enough for a small group of people and there was a bathroom beside it. Wit had a large balcony where there was room for a jaccuzzi, a patio set and a small barbecue area. Masa was surprised that a mechanic could afford such a nice place.

 "it's a nice place you've got here Wit" Masa complimented his home.

 "thank you, it suits me but to be honest I'm usually working, it's just been somewhere to lay my head this past few years" Wit replied.

 "don't you have a significant other?" Masa enquired.

 "no, just me, why do you ask?" Wit asked him.

 "no reason, just curious I guess" Masa replied.

 "can I ask you the same question?"

 " no, there's no one, I don't date Wit" Masa said.

 "may I ask why?" Wit continued.

 " it's easier not to I guess, why bother investing time and emotions into someone just to be hurt further down the road? "

 "it seems we have that in common, I dated a girl for a long time when I was younger, she cheated on me in uni' and the whole experience put me off dating" Wit said.

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