Chapter 5 ~ problem solved ~

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It was still light after dinner so they went to sit outside under the tarp where there was a cool breeze. Wit managed to stake his claim by throwing an arm around Masa's shoulder and leading him to a seat where only he could sit beside him, Pat would have no choice but to sit opposite and Korn, Orm and J' pulled up another table beside them.

They ordered another jug of beer and continued drinking and chatting and it was a pleasant evening all round. Wit regaled everyone with the story of how he and Masa had met only a few nights previously and decided to piss Pat off by telling them how he had taken Masa home and cooked for him.

Masa blushed profusely when everyone looked in his direction. They had been sitting outside for about half an hour when J' received a phone call from his boss.

"excuse me guy's, I have to take this" he said before standing up and walking away from the crowds.

Orm, Korn and Pat had decided to stay in a nearby hotel so they could drink, it was Saturday night after all. J' had already invited Wit to stay at his place but unfortunately he didn't have room for anyone else.

They talked about uni' and remembered old friends and Masa was enjoying himself now that the attention was elsewhere, they really were a nice group of people just as J' had said. He had already determined that Pat was the flirt of the group, Orm was a very pleasant, kind young woman if a bit of a tomboy and Korn seemed quiet and deep. 

Wit, well he seemed like a fun guy, loyal, dependable, a good friend and well respected. He was also very handsome now that Masa had been able to take a good look at him, he had been too tired the other night to think about things like that.

J' came back to the tables looking a bit concerned,

"everything alright nong?" Wit asked.

"not really, one of my colleagues has been involved in an accident and the boss wants me to take her place" he replied.

"is that a problem?" Wit prompted.

"it is unfortunately" J' turned to Masa.

"the woman in question was supposed to go on a business trip for three weeks, my boss want's me to go in her stead Masa, what should I do?" J' asked Masa.

"well of course you should go J', it's work after all and I'll be fine here on my own" Masa replied.

"nonsense, you can come back with me nong" Wit was quick to get it in before Pat.

"I don't need babysitting P'" Masa said.

"I could do with some time off myself, I can show you around my city, how about that" Wit smiled encouragingly.

"I've got a bigger house, he could stay with me" Pat interjected.

Korn watched them both bickering over the nong and smiled to himself, this was getting interesting.

"honestly, I'll be ok" Masa tried to insist.

"no, your coming with me, Pat he doesn't need to be in your house, he'll be accosted by all your jealous exes" Wit said.

"are you sure P'" J' asked him.

"positive, we'll have a great time Masa and I'll take you to meet my parents too, problem solved" Wit said.

Pat, Korn and Orm looked at each other while Wit looked at Masa and Masa blushed again. J' had wandered off to call his boss and confirm the plans. They all knew that Wit was acting out of character, he hadn't been like this in years, the last time was when he'd been dating his ex.

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