Chapter 9 ~ just thinking ~

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Masa woke up on the bed covered with a blanket, it took a moment for him to get his bearings. He remembered he'd been catching up on a little work and ... oh crap, he'd left his laptop open. Masa was sick of living like this he really was, maybe he should just come clean.

Come out of hiding and just get on with it, it's not like his personal life would get any better or worse, it was none existent now and it would remain that way but then he would have to travel around with security he wouldn't be able to chill as he was doing now.

He wouldn't be able to go to museums, parks and dojo's. The title wasn't important, that was just a token which didn't really mean much these day's other than it helped to open doors but it was his worth. People were always curious how the other half lived and the paparazzi wouldn't leave him alone if they knew who he was.

He should get up and face the music, see if Wit had understood anything on his laptop. He got off the bed and folded the blanket leaving it on a chair. Walking into the lounge he saw Wit outside on his balcony looking pensive, taking a deep breath he walked towards the elder.

 "hi Wit, I'm sorry for falling asleep again, you should have woken me" he said as he approached.

 "oh hi, do you feel better now?" Wit smiled

 " much better thank you, it's lovely out here" Masa said standing beside Wit and looking at the view.

 "it is isn't it, I just came out here to think" Wit said.

 "anything I can help you with?" Masa ventured.

 " I'll let you know if I think you can help" Wit said vaguely.

Wit was leaning on the railing, his chin resting on his arm's, he looked over at Masa and gave the sweetest smile, Masa had the intense desire to walk towards him and hold him..

 "may I cook again tonight?" he asked quickly looking away.

 " of course, you don't need to ask"

 "I'll make Japanese style pork cutlets and noodles, does that sound ok?" Masa said.

 " it sounds amazing, can I help? " no you just relax, I'll go and start now then shall I? "

 "ok" Wit answered.

Masa went back in to the apartment, there was definitely something up, he could sense it. He went to the coffee table and cleared away his laptop. He noted that the screen saver had activated but other than that it hadn't been touched.

He cooked dinner while Wit remained out on his balcony just staring at the view. If it wasn't because of his secrets then what could it be? did he want him to leave after all and why did the prospect hurt so much?

Masa decided he was going to take the bull by the horns and tell Wit the truth about himself then let the chips fall where they may. It was better to know up front how the information would affect their budding friendship or relationship or whatever the hell it was? 

He called Wit as he was dishing up the noodles and Wit came inside and washed his hands.

 "this looks and smells amazing Masa, thank you" he said.

 "your welcome Wit"

They both began to eat in silence and finally when Masa could take no more he spoke.

 "is anything wrong Wit, you seem troubled"

 "no, I guess I'm just tired" Wit replied.

 "I think I might go back to J's tomorrow" Masa said.

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