Chapter 2

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The moment had finally arrived. The game kicked off, and there, in the lineup, was Mason - the only player from Chelsea I knew by name. The sound of the whistle filled the air, signaling the beginning of the game. From the start, Chelsea's defense displayed their prowess, thwarting the opposing team's attempts to find the back of the net. As the game unfolded, the intensity grew. Chelsea began creating promising opportunities, their attacks putting the opposing team on the back foot. A thunderous strike echoed through the stadium as the ball collided with the crossbar, rebounding onto the pitch. In a stroke of brilliance, Kai Harverts leaped into action, heading the ball into the back of the net. The crowd erupted in a symphony of cheers, their voices reverberating through the stands.

The game remained a spectacle of skill, passion, and unwavering determination. Every pass, every tackle, and every shot fueled the excitement, keeping every fan on the edge of their seats. The players unleashed their full potential, leaving no stone unturned in their pursuit of victory. And then, with the final blast of the referee's whistle, it was done. Chelsea emerged triumphant with a 1-0 victory. The explosion of jubilation was unmatched as the fans started screaming and filing the air with Chelsea chants.

I saw Mason walking in my direction, and when he approached the seat, I was seated in, he asked me.

"Hey, are you feeling better?"

"Yes, no blood anymore, my nose is just pounding at bit but it's fine."

"I'm glad you're feeling better, did you enjoy the game?"

"It was amazing, thank you so much for giving me this experience."

"You don't have to thank me, that was the least I could do for you."

"Actually, I just spoke to my manager, and if you would like I have 2 tickets for you and a friend for the next home game, you'll get seats on the pitch right here again and walk thru the back entrance and have entrance for the lounges afterwards."

"I would love that, my friend Willa is the one who loves Chelsea, she'll die when she hears it!"

"Good, if you don't mind can I get your number, then I will text you the details and get you some passes for you to be able to come onto the pitch."

"Yes of course, it's #########."

"Awesome, but I better go to the changing room to take a shower, I'll see you on Sunday."

"Bye, see you" I said walking in the direction of the stands where the girls were still sat waiting for me.

As I came by closer, I could see the sparkle of excitement in their eyes. They were brimming with questions, eager to process the unforgettable experience they had just witnessed. With enthusiasm, I shared every detail of my conversations with Mason, relaying the intimate insights and cherished moments we had exchanged. We made our way out of the stadium and to the underground station, where the girls would continue their way home, and I bid them farewell. Living just a short 15-minute walk away from Stamford Bridge, I decided to walk home. Each step I took allowed me to reflect on the game, the cheers, the goals, and the very caring Mason. Walking home under the watchful gaze of the city lights, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude. Gratitude for the opportunity to be part of something bigger than myself, to witness the beauty and passion of the game up close, and to share in the collective joy of victory.

So, as I approached my doorstep, I strolled inside and beelined straight for the bathroom. With a tired sigh, I embarked on brushing my teeths and washing my face. I slipped into an oversized t-shirt, the familiar softness embracing me like a warm hug. I reached for two painkillers, hoping to ease the discomfort of my noses pounding. Swallowing them down, I held onto the belief that their soothing effect would soon envelop me. Nestling into the cozy sheets, I closed my eyes, ready to drift into a realm of peaceful slumber. So, with a final exhale of contentment, I allowed myself to surrender to the restorative embrace of sleep, knowing that when I awakened, I would be ready to embrace the new day.

As the morning light gently filtered through my windows, I awoke with a renewed sense of anticipation. The events of the previous day echoed in my mind, and a realization struck me - I had forgotten to share an important detail with Willa. Without hesitation, I reached for my phone and dialed her number, eager to tell her the news. As the phone rang, my heart skipped a beat, the excitement building with each passing second. Willa's voice echoed through the phone, and without wasting a moment, I spilled the secret that had been waiting to be unveiled.

"Hey Palms, how are you feeling this morning?"

"Willa I'm fine don't think about it, but I have a surprise for you" I said with excitement.

"Okay, go on tell me."

"So yesterday I might have forgotten to tell you a little detail from me and mason's conversations" I said laughing.

"When I was about to leave and meet with you guys, he told me he would like to offer me 2 tickets for the next home game. And guess who I'm bringing."

"No palms stop, I can't believe it."

"Wait I have more, we get to sit on the pitch right where I sat during the game yesterday and we will be walking thru the back entrance and have entrance for the lounges after the game."

"You're the best, we're going to meet the players!! They always come by the lounge after the game."

"It'll be so fun I can't wait, Mason will send me the details and he told me the game is on Sunday."

"Stop did you get Masons number??"

"Yes, hehe, he asked for my number so he could send me the details about the game."

"That's crazy, but I have to go, I love you."

"Love you too, bye."

We ended the call and I stayed in bed for a couple of hours watching my new favorite show.

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