Chapter 21

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Willa and I finished our chat and headed back inside to rejoin the table where she was sitting with Chilly. However, as we approached, I noticed that Mase had taken a seat there as well. There was an undeniable tension between us after I abruptly left during our conversation. Feeling out of place, I decided to skip joining the table and went to the bar instead.

As I ordered my drink, an unfamiliar guy stood next to me. I wasn't sure if he was one of Mase's teammates since I didn't know all of them.

"Hey, beautiful," he greeted me.

"Hi, do I know you?" I asked, slightly put off by his comment.

"Not that I know of," he replied casually.

"Do you play for Chelsea or why are you here?" I inquired, still feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"No, I just sneaked in," he said, laughing.

"Well, in that case, I think you should leave because this is a private party," I said, smiling.

"Oh, you're kicking me out? Don't you want to get to know me?" he said with a smirk, moving closer and putting his arm around me.

"No, thanks. And please don't touch me," I said, trying to break free from his grip.

"I think we should go somewhere more private so we can explore each other," he said playfully, clearly not taking my discomfort seriously.

"Please, just let me go. I have a boyfriend," I insisted, feeling extremely uneasy.

"Listen here, little lady, you'll do what I say, understood?" he said, his tone becoming more aggressive. And before things could escalate further, Mase arrived.

"Hey, let her go!" Mase commanded sternly. He quickly pulled me out of the guy's grip, and I found myself cuddled up next to Mase.

"And who do you think you are?" the guy retorted.

"I don't think you're supposed to be here," Mase replied, signaling for the bodyguard to intervene and escort the guy out. As we suspected, he wasn't on the guest list, and they promptly removed him from the premises.

"Hey, are you okay?" Mase asked with genuine concern in his voice.

"He was making me so uncomfortable," I replied, seeking comfort in Mase's embrace.

"What did he do?" Mase inquired, wanting to understand the situation.

"He kept calling me beautiful and put his arm around me, and then he suggested we go somewhere more private to 'explore each other,'" I explained, recalling the unsettling encounter.

"Oh, babe, I'm so sorry that happened to you. This was supposed to be a fun night," Mase expressed his regret.

"Mase, it's not your fault. I'm just grateful that you came and saved me," I assured him, holding onto him tightly.

"I was watching you, and it seemed off that he was getting so close to you. I decided to make my way over to check what was going on," Mase revealed, letting us both stand in silence for a moment.

"Hey, and Mase, I'm sorry for earlier. For just leaving you like that. I felt it wasn't the right time and place to discuss our situation and feelings," I explained, seeking forgiveness.

"No, it was wrong of me to bring it up. Let's just forget about it," Mase said, soothingly rubbing my back.

"Can I stay at your place tonight?" I asked, longing to be with him.

"Of course. What about Willa?" he inquired.

"Well, I told her she could stay with Chilly since they've been all over each other all night and have been making out several times," I informed him.

"Wait, what did I miss? They made out?" Mase asked, sounding surprised.

"Yes! I was shocked too," I replied.

"Well, are you ready to leave? I'll just text Chilly to bring Willa to the hotel as well," Mase said, taking charge.

"Yes, I'm tired. I just want to be in bed with you right now," I confessed. We then made our way outside the nightclub, and Mase arranged for a taxi to pick us up.

We arrived back at the players' hotel around 2:30 in the morning and headed straight to Mase's room. Exhausted from the night's events, all we wanted was to sleep. Upon entering his room, I immediately changed into one of his t-shirts for added comfort, while Mase just undressed himself and ended up being left in only boxers. We were both tired, and I sat on the toilet as Mase kindly removed my makeup. He then brushed my teeth, and I sat waiting for him to finish brushing his own.

He kissed the top of my head and asked, "Shall we get into bed?"

"Yes, I'm practically half asleep," I replied with a tired smile. I stood up and made my way into the bedroom, with Mase following behind. I settled into bed with Mase, and found solace in his embrace.

"The flight is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, right?" he inquired.

"You shouldn't be asking me, you're the one booking it. But I think so," I replied playfully.

"You're so bossy. I'll be flying back the morning after tomorrow," he stated.

"Okay, is it fine if I just stay at your place, until you're back?" I asked.

"Of course, I want you to stay there, with or without me," he reassured me.

"Perfect. Let's see if we can manage one night without each other," I said, smirking.

"I'll try, but I'm not sure if I'll make it," he teased, kissing the top of my head.

"Did Chilly ever respond about bringing Willa with him?" I asked, concerned for her safety.

"Yes! He said they just left the nightclub to go back to the hotel. You girls can leave together from the hotel and go straight to the airport tomorrow," Mase informed me, outlining his plan for tomorrow.

"We'll see how it goes tomorrow," I replied. "I still can't believe you won the Champions League," I said, the realization hitting me.

"I know, it's incredible. And to top it off, I'm lying here with my favorite girl," Mase said, a smile spreading across his face.

"What an announcement," I laughed. With that, we drifted off to sleep, both exhausted from the long day and ready to rest.

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