Chapter 22

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For the first time in three days, I woke up in Mase's arms. I had truly missed this comforting feeling. As I lay there, I couldn't help but admire his peaceful face while he was still sound asleep. Moments later, his eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning, love," he greeted me with a sleepy voice.

"Good morning, bubs," I replied, smiling at his tired yet adorable face.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked.

"Never slept better," I said, giving his chest a tender kiss.

"Likewise," he replied, pulling me closer for a warm embrace while we remained in bed.

We reached for our phones and began scrolling through social media, enjoying a moment of relaxation before starting the day. After a few minutes, I received a text from Willa, asking if Mase and I would like to join her and Chilly for breakfast at the hotel.

I looked up at Mase and said, "Willa just sent me a text, asking if we want to have breakfast with her and Chilly."

"Okay, can you let them know we'll be there in 15 minutes?" he asked.

"Mase, how fast do you think I am? I'll tell them in 30 minutes. I need to shower and get ready," I said playfully, making him chuckle.

I headed straight to the bathroom and hopped into the shower. It was a quick one, as I didn't have much time. After cleaning myself and washing my hair, I dried off and applied some body lotion and deodorant. With my hair wrapped in a towel, I began doing my makeup while Mase appeared in the bathroom to get ready too. Once we were both finished, I put on some comfortable clothes and felt ready to go. We made our way down to the breakfast area, where we spotted Willa and Chilly already seated at a table. Since they had already been to the buffet once, Mase and I headed straight there to grab some food before joining them.

As we approached the table, I greeted them with a playful smirk. "Good morning, guys. Had a good night?" I asked.

"It went pretty smoothly," Willa replied with a smile.

"Just look at that smirk on Chilly's face," Mase commented.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Chilly responded, giggling.

"Well, are we getting any details?" I playfully prodded.

"Since Mase is my best mate and you're Willa's best mate, it'll come out at some point," Chilly said, looking at Willa.

"You're right. We might have done the deed," Willa admitted shyly.

"There you go, mate," Mase said, giving Chilly a knowing look.

"What! Not even Mase and I have done it?" I exclaimed, shocked and laughing.

"I guess you're a little late to the party," Chilly teased, joining in the laughter.

"I love this conversation, but don't we have to be at the airport soon?" Willa interjected, starting to feel a bit stressed.

"Oh gosh, I completely forgot about that," I said, realizing the time.

"By the way, the driver has packed your stuff and loaded it into the car, so Chilly and I can take you to the airport and say goodbye," Mase announced with a smile.

"You're the best," I said, planting a kiss on Mase's lips.

"But shouldn't we head to the car now?" I asked.

Everyone agreed, and we left the breakfast area, making our way down to the hotel's garage. Mase took the driver's seat, with me sitting beside him, while Willa and Chilly settled in the back. Mase connected his phone to the car's AUX, and we enjoyed his music during the 30-minute drive to the airport.

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