Chapter 11

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I have one hour remaining before Lewis arrives to pick me up. Despite being apprehensive about meeting him as a stranger, I can't let my worries consume me. Before addressing my nerves, I prioritize making myself presentable. Considering the limited time I have, I decide to pass a shower, as I prefer my hair on the second day. Instead, I gather my toiletries and connected my phone to the speakers, immersing myself in the tunes of my favorite Spotify playlist. Listening to music while getting ready is a simple pleasure I thoroughly enjoy. I apply a moisturizing cream and swipe on some mascara, sticking to a minimalistic and natural look. As for my hair, I simply gather it into a sleek ponytail. Now, it's time to choose my outfit. Without a doubt, I'll be wearing the Chelsea shirt Mason gave me, proudly displaying "Mount 19" on the back. I pair the blue shirt with white knitted shorts and slip on a pair of comfortable Hermes sandals. I grabbed my purse and found my lip gloss in it for me to apply it to my lips. With only five minutes remaining until 1 pm, I made the decision to head outside and wait. As I approached the door, I closed it behind me and securely locked it using the key Mason had given me. Stepping onto the driveway, I noticed Mase's brother, Lewis, pulling up in his car.

"Hey, nice meeting you, you must be Palma" he spoke, as I was finding my way into the seat.

"Yes, nice meeting you too, and thanks for getting me," I told him.

"So, you have been hanging around with me brother?" he asked.

"Yeah, just for a few days, and then he asked if I wanted to come today," I told him smiling.

"As far as I know, Mase really likes you. How did you guys meet?" he asked smiling back at me.

"Funny story, I was at my first Chelsea game and got hit by a ball in the face, that happened to be Mason shooting it," I said laughing.

"You're kidding me, he never told any of us in the family that," he said shocked.

"What excuse did he use then?" I asked curiously.

"He just told us you guys meet at one of Chilly's parties" he explained.

"I mean that's right too. We only spoke two times the first time we meet, but weeks later he asked for me to come to Chilly's party, and then I have stayed at his since."

"That's cute, what do you think of Mase?"

"He's amazing, and I always feel happy when I am around him, and he makes sure that I feel safe and comfortable," I said with the biggest smile.

"I'm happy for you guys, and I'm glad Mase is taking good care of you." He said smiling. We arrived at the parking lot for the back entrance.

"Erm, Mase told me to text him when we arrived here, should I do that?" I asked.

"You can, but I know how to get to his box, he might need you for something?" he told me.

"I'll just text him, in case," I said.

Mason and Palma

Hey Mase, Lewis and I just arrived, but he told me he knows how to get to the box.

Hey, hope everything went great. I'll come by the box in just a minute to say hello."

Perfect, see ya<3

Lewis and I exited the car and made our way towards the back door. He presented a card as proof of being Mase's brother, although their striking resemblance made it clear enough. Once we were granted access, we walked down a hallway and up some stairs, eventually arriving at Mase's box. Tony and Jaz were already present, and to my pleasant surprise, Debbie, Mase's mom, had managed to attend the game as well. I greeted them all warmly with hugs, expressing my happiness to see them. Lewis and I found our seats in the box.

Then Lewis spoke "Palma, please tell the story of how you and Mase met?" he asked as he thought it was quite funny.

"Well, so I was at my first every Chelsea game, and warmup began for the players. Without realizing I got shot by a ball right in the face, and it was kicked by Mase. He then got me down to the medicals and insisted for me to sit down by the bench. He invited me to one more game, but after that, we didn't speak for several weeks. He randomly asked for me to come to one of Chilly's parties last weekend, and I have been staying at his since then." I explained to all of them.

"Oh dear, but I'm glad you're speaking again, he's very happy," Debbie said, walking over to hug me. It made me feel welcomed that she showed that she cared.

"I think little Mase forgot a massive part of that story" Jaz spoke laughing.

"That was what I said," Lewis said to Jaz. The door to the box opened and we all saw Mase's face I the doorframe.

"Speaking of Mase, there he is," Jaz said laughing.

"Oh no, better be saying good stuff," he said giggling.

"Just speaking about you guys meet" Lewis answered. Mase's laughter filled the air, knowing that he had kept some details for himself in his explanation to his family. As he greeted each member, I observed from my seat at the end of the sofa. When he reached me, he leaned in and whispered for me to come with him.

"I'll just steal my lady for a moment." He said smiling.

"You're so goofy Mase," his mom told him.

Mase was holding my hand for me to follow behind him, and we left the box.

"I'll take you down to meet some of the lads," Mase said smiling.

"Are you sure your manager won't mind?" I asked.

"Of course, I already spoke to Tuchel, and what is it about all the details my family knows?" he asked curiously.

"Well, I just explain how we meet, I didn't know you only had told them about the third time we meet," I said giggling.

"My mom would just get mad at me for kicking a ball into a girl's face. But I'm happy that you get on well with my family" he said with a big smile, giving me a side hug. We walked into the changing room, capturing the attention of everyone inside. Mase confidently introduced me to his teammates, which made me feel a bit awkward as all eyes focused on me. Seeking familiarity, I approached Chilly and Reece, the two people I knew a little.

"So, what is the status of your guys' relationship?" Chilly asked me.

"Chilly you're rushing it into something it isn't," I said, as he always put pressure on both me and Mase.

"Well, you have met Mases family and are hanging around in the changing room before our game. You're telling me that isn't any kind of "more than friends"-relationship?" he asked me. I just looked at him giggling as Mase came over and put his arms around me.

"Look that's what I'm saying, you look so much in love," Chilly said excitedly, hoping to get Mase to agree with him.

"Calm down Chilly, we're taking it in our own pace, not rushing anything," Mase said in a calm voice. It was just 7 minutes before he had to start warmups, so Mase leaned in and whispered to me, expressing his intention to accompany me back to the box. I bid farewell to all the lads, and Mase and I exited the changing room together. As we arrived at the box, I wished Mase good luck on the game and reassured him that I would be proud of him regardless of the outcome. In a gesture of gratitude, he leaned in for a kiss, which I happily returned. After the kiss, we shared one final embrace before I entered the doors to the box, and he left to go back to all the lads.

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