Chapter 3

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Today is the day me and Willa is going to the second game at Stamford bridge.

Mason and Palma

Hey, looking forward to seeing you later, the game starts at 3 pm so I would recommend you to be here at 2 pm. Just text me when you guys arrives at the back entrance and I'll come out and get you, and then you can get the 2 passes, so you have access for the pitch and lounge.

Hey Mason, great, I'll text you when we arrive, see you later.

Quick question, do you have Chelsea shirts for tonight?

Nope, I don't, Willa has one for herself I believe.

Tell her to wear it and I'll make the lads sign it for her, and I'll get a shirt for you.
What is a Chelsea game without a shirt

Thanks Mason, you just keep surprising me, and thanks for doing this Willa went crazy when I told her.

No problem, see ya

Willa and I had crafted our plan: to arrive at Stamford Bridge at 2 pm, as Mason instructed me in. However, before immersing ourselves in the electrifying atmosphere of the game, we decided to enjoy a delicious brunch at one of our favorite cafés in London. With each step, our excitement mounted, knowing that this shared experience would serve as the perfect prelude to the football extravaganza awaiting us. We envisioned a brunch filled with laughter, shared stories, and engaging in lively conversations.

As the clock ticked, we bid farewell to the brunch spot, our taste buds still tingling with the flavors of our meal. So, hand in hand, Willa and I ventured toward the stadium.

We walked past the main entrance where big, long lines were created, filled with enthusiastic fans eagerly waiting. Finally, we reached the back entrance designated for players and staff members. I quickly reached into the back pocket of my low-waisted jeans, retrieving my phone to send a text to Mason.

Mason and Palma

Hey Mason, we're outside

Perfect, I'll come and get you

We patiently stood outside the door awaiting Mason's arrival to open it. And then, as if on cue, the door swung open, revealing Mason standing there. I couldn't help but stand still for a few seconds, simply admiring him in all his glory.

"Hey Palma, and I believe you are Willa."

"Hey Mason"

"Hey, and yes I am Willa," she said smiling.

"Ready for the game tonight?" I asked.

"Yes, I think we will smash it."

"Girls if you just follow me, I'll take you by the changing room, and then your seat."

"Unfortunately, I don't think you can meet the rest of the Chelsea team, but I can take your shirt Willa and get it signed by the lads if you would like. And Palma your shirt is in my locker inside the changing room, so I'll get that as well and make them sign it?" he told us while walking.

"Yes Yes Yes I can't believe it, someone pinch me – and Mason could I maybe get a picture with you?" Willa said full of happiness.

"Yes, of course, we can take it when the shirt is done being signed."

"I would prefer if you just signed my shirt, I don't know any of the other players anyway," I said with a grin.

"That's how we do it then, however you like it."

He entered the changing room filled with the sounds of chatter and laughs. We stayed in the hallway waiting for him to be done. I looked over at Willa, her gaze fixed entirely on the door, a big smile adorning her face. She was completely over the moon, her heart brimming with joy and excitement as she eagerly awaited Mason to walk out the door.

There he was, confidently walking out of the door, a playful expression on his face as he exchanged laughter with one of the lads inside the changing room. As he approached us, a warm smile graced his lips, and he handed us both our shirts. Willa's shirt was returned to her, adorned with the signatures of all the players, while mine only bore Mason's signature. Willa couldn't contain her excitement and got her picture with Mason. After capturing that special moment, he kindly guided us through the tunnel, even though I was already familiar with the path, and showed us to our seats.

"I better go get ready for warm-ups, will I see you later at the lounge, I can take you since you might not know where it is?"

"Yes, we'll come by, and if you will do that, that would be great otherwise, we might get lost, go kick ass," I told him, with Willa just smiling being amazed over how close we are to the field.

After he left, Willa and I took a moment to look around, completely awestruck by the grandeur of the stadium and the electrifying atmosphere created by the passionate fans. We sat there, absorbing the vibrant energy, simply watching the stadium in all its glory. Suddenly, the moment we had been waiting for arrived as the players from each team burst out of the tunnel, right in front of the seats we were sitting in. Willa's excitement was palpable as she couldn't contain her joy, witnessing all the players running around just inches away from her.

The whistle blew, and the game started. Both teams immediately sprang into action, relentlessly pushing forward in an effort to secure a goal. The intensity was massive as good chances were being created on both ends of the field. One of the opponents took a long shot from outside the box, which slipped right through Mendy's hands, Chelsea's goalkeeper. Then, in the 56th minute, Mason kicked the ball up the field to Kai, who swiftly ran past a defender, leaving him and the goalkeeper alone. It was a moment of sheer anticipation as the shot sailed into the back of the net, and cheers from the crowd erupted. Later, in the 68th minute, Kanté was tackled down in the box, prompting the referee to stop the game and consult the VAR. After reviewing the incident, the referee returned and signaled a penalty kick. Pulisic was chosen. A hush fell over the stadium as all attention focused on Pulisic, who stood on the spot. The referee blew the whistle, and Pulisic took three steps back, locking his gaze on the goalkeeper. With a burst of speed, he sprinted toward the ball, striking it with precision. The crowd erupted into screams of joy as the ball found the back of the net, and Pulisic's goal sent waves of excitement rippling through the stadium.

Mid-second half, in the 76th minute Mason and 1 other got subbed out, Mason sprinted over to the bench, which happened to be quite close to where Willa and I were seated. While running towards the bench, he made eye contact with me, and a wide smile spread across his face. In response, I brought my hands together, giving him a silent clap of support. My eyes followed all of his movements as he found his seat on the bench and settled down, fully focused on the ongoing play on the field.

"Hello," Willa said waving her hand in front of my face.

"The game is over here, not the bench."

I zoned back to reality and said, "Oh just zoned out, that happens."

"Oh, really not just observing one specific player?" she said with a grin.

"No stop, you're being ridiculous," I said laughing at her.

The final whistle blew, and the game ended 2-1 to Chelsea. I must be Chelsea's lucky charm I thought to myself.

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