Chapter 5

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A few weeks has passed since all the events from THE Sunday, and I find myself in a strange situation of having no contact with Mason. It feels a bit peculiar considering the strong connection we shared. However, I remind myself that he is a professional football player with a demanding schedule filled with games, trainings, and various commitments like social media advertising and video interviews. I understand that our interaction was his way of saying sorry, he wanted to make me happy, and it was a kind gesture from him, but he didn't sign up for any further relationship with me. I fully understand and respect his boundaries, realizing that his actions were driven by a desire to bring joy into my life in that moment. Now, I must come to terms with the fact that I need to move on, cherishing the memories and experiences we shared while also embracing the path ahead.

The girls began to notice my absence from a few movie nights and dinners, prompting me to explain everything about my connection with Mason. Willa also shared her perspective on the events of that night, Pointing out the various eye contacts me and him shared. They are aware of my tendency to get attached quickly and how I often distance myself from others, including them. However, I made it clear that now I want to shift my focus towards myself and my own personal growth.

This afternoon, I walked over to my local gym, looking forward to attend my yoga class. The session was delightful and provided a much-needed sense of relaxation. I enjoyed conversing with some of the girls in the class, exchanging and sharing a few laughs. As the class came to an end, I remembered that I had promised Mrs. White that I would come and babysit Eleia for the evening. Mrs. White had a dinner engagement with her husband, and I happily told her I would come to help them out.

I walked up to the door and knocked, being surprised to be meet by Ben at the door. Ben is playing for the England squad and Arsenal, and I happened to babysit his sister.

"My mom and dad already left, so they asked me to come by and look after Celeste until you came."

"Oh, okay cool" I told him, walking through the door.

I turned around to see Celeste come running into my arms - I love that little 3-year-old girl.

"Hey cutie, are you ready for a fun night" I said carrying her up to my chest, while she was laughing.

Ben then spoke "I was at an England team meeting yesterday, and I heard the Chelsea guys talk about you non-stop – care to explain" he said giggling.

Me and Ben had always had a good relationship since I started babysitting his little sister. "Well, I hung out with Mase, Chilly and Reece one night, but have no contact with them anymore, so kinda strange they talk about me" I said rethinking everything I thought about Mason earlier.

"So, is there anything from their conversation for me to know" I said with a smirk.

"Chilly and Reece kept tell Mase how poorly he has played the past weeks and talked about how you were his lucky charm."

"And I really felt like Mase is literally obsessed with you, but who know." He added

"Definitely not me, I haver spoken to him for 3 weeks."

"He needs to grow some balls" Ben said making me laugh.

"But I got to go, see ya in a bit."

"Bye Ben, see ya."

Once Ben left, my focus shifted to Celeste, and I decided to bring her along to the kitchen while I prepared dinner for the both of us. Her thoughtful mom had prepared a delicious lasagna in advance, which was waiting for us in the fridge. All I had to do was pop it in the oven, and our dinner would be ready in just 20 minutes. With the nice smell of the lasagna filling the kitchen, we carried our plates to the sofa table and settled in to enjoy our meal. As we sat, we indulged in Celeste's favorite movie - the enchanting tale of Rapunzel. We finished our meal, and halfway through the movie, Celeste drifted off to sleep. I gently switched off the TV and carefully lifted her into my arms, carrying her to bed. With her peacefully resting, I went downstairs to do the dishes before her parents returned home. As I stood at the sink, engrossed of scrubbing and rinsing, the familiar sound of a message notification chimed from my phone. Assuming it was Celeste's parents informing me they are on their way back home, I was taken by surprise when I discovered that the message was from none other than Mason Mount – I never thought I would see his name on my phone again.

Mason and Palma

Am I never gonna see your pretty face again?

I don't know, are you?

Chilly is hosting a party tonight, you can come by, the lads and I are just pre gaming right now.

I'm babysitting Ben White's
little sister right now.

You know White??

Yes, and I probably want you to explain
to me later why you and the Chelsea boys
talks about me.

Let me guess, Ben told you something.

Pling! You're right.

Well skip the pre-game and come around later?

I don't know, I know nobody.

Ben will show up later as well, and me, chilly and
Reece is here – I promise you'll have a good time.

I might ask Ben if he can take me then.

Perfect, expecting to see you later.

Indeed, Mason seemed quite insistent on my presence at Chilly's. Despite his message, I didn't want to come across as overly eager, so I decided to play it cool. After all, I wouldn't know if this is just a dare, and I could risk making a fool of myself. Just a few minutes later, Celeste's parents arrived, expressing their gratitude for my help, and her mom kindly reminded me to drive safely.

I stepped outside, feeling the door close behind me as Celeste's mom bid me farewell. Making my way down the pathway to my car, I reach out for my phone in my bag, to give Ben a call.

Call between Ben White and Palma

"Hey Ben, guess what."

"Hey Palms, did you just leave the house?"

"Yes, but that's not the point, Mason just texted me and asked me to show up at chilly's party tonight." I told him, in a confused voice.

"No way, he's so into you!!" he said.

"We have no proof of that, so lets stop saying that"

"Well but I wondered if you could take me, since mason told me you're going" I asked giggling at the end.

"Of course, never thought we would end up in the same friends group."

"Can I pick you up in about 1 hour and a half." He asked

"That would be great, thank you."

"Anything for my sister's nanny"

"That sounds so wrong" I said laughing.

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