Chapter 16

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We all settled into our seats around the beautifully set dining table, with Mase and I choosing to sit next to each other. Delicious food was served on our plates, and I poured myself a refreshing glass of Pepsi Max, my favorite soda. Throughout the meal, we engaged in a lively conversation about our upcoming trip in two days, and I informed Mase's mom about Willa joining me in Porto. After dinner, we indulged in a few rounds of various board games, creating a joyful evening. As the night grew late, Mase and I realized it was time to make the two-hour drive back home, considering Mase's departure for Porto the following afternoon. We bid farewell to everyone, knowing that we would reunite in just a few days' time. Stepping into the car, we embarked on the journey back home, aware that it would take us until midnight to arrive. With the late hour and the long drive ahead, I decided to take a nap on the way back home.

What I initially intended as a quick nap ended up with me sleeping throughout the entire drive. Mase parked the car, came around to my side, and gently planted a kiss on my forehead, informing me that we had arrived home. Stretching and letting out a yawn, I stepped out of the car, walking alongside Mase as we entered his house. Recognizing the busy day awaiting us tomorrow, we wasted no time and headed straight to bed. After exchanging a tender goodnight kiss, I positioned myself against Mase's chest and quickly drifted back to sleep.

As we woke up, we both took turns showering. I slipped into one of Mase's oversized t-shirts and a pair of pajama shorts, while Mase casually made his way to the kitchen in his boxers. Since we had limited time, we opted for a simple breakfast. I enjoyed a bowl of chia pudding I had prepared the day before, garnished with a variety of fresh fruits. Taking a seat on the kitchen island, I watched Mase prepare his breakfast. He opted for a big bowl of oatmeal accompanied by two bananas on the side before joining me. Once we finished eating, Mase headed upstairs to change into his Chelsea kit, which was a requirement for his upcoming trip. He packed a bag with clothes, toiletries, and his iPad to keep him entertained during the flight and the next few days in Porto.

It was time for Mase to depart, and I accompanied him to bid farewell. This way, I would also have access to the car for tomorrow when I needed to go to the airport. We left the house and climbed into the car, with Mase taking the driver's seat. The journey was approximately 30 minutes long, so I connected my phone to the AUX and played some music to accompany us on the drive. As we arrived, Mase parked the car near the terminal, and we entered Heathrow Airport. He met up with his team and warmly greeted all the lads, with me right by his side. The time came for the team to head to the security check, and Mase and I had to bid each other farewell. I embraced him tightly for a few moments, our lips meeting in a kiss, aware that the team had already departed, and time was of the essence. And there I stood, watching Mase walk away, our eyes locked as we waved and he exchanged a final wink before parting his way.

After leaving the airport, I drove back to Mase's place, which had become my new home. However, before heading there, I decided to swing by my apartment to gather some belongings I wanted to bring to Porto. Once I finished collecting my things, I arrived at Mase's house and began the process of packing. He had kindly left a Rimowa suitcase for me to use. I carefully selected the outfits I wanted to bring, and to feel closer to Mase, I couldn't resist including a few of his shirts from his closet without asking him. I made sure to pack my toiletries in the bathroom, and just as I was about to close the suitcase, I remembered to grab my Chelsea shirt and added it to the mix.

As Willa and I had to be at the airport by 8 am, I had planned for her to stay the night at Mase's place. We decided to order some pizza for dinner before calling it a night. Willa let me know she was done packing and I headed to the car, where I planned to pick her up by her apartment, as I got there I loaded her suitcase into the trunk. We placed our order for pizza and made a quick stop to pick it up before arriving back home. Once we settled in the living room, we turned on an episode of "The Kardashians" and enjoyed our meal together. After watching several episodes, we both agreed it was time to get some rest since we had an early morning ahead. Willa felt more comfortable sleeping in the spare room, so she made her way there, while I went upstairs to the bathroom to get ready for bed. After finishing my nighttime routine, I grabbed one of Mase's t-shirts to sleep in and climbed into the bed, feeling a bit strange being alone in it for the first time. I took out my phone and began typing a message to Mase.

Mason and Palma

Hey babe, how did the flight go?

Great, we're at the hotel now. Just relaxing in my room

My first night alone in your bedroom.

OUR bedroom love. Where is Willa, thought she was staying the night?

She's in the spare room, she didn't wanna share bed with me hehe.

Well, I miss you in my arms.

Miss you too, just started to get use to being in your arms.

I know, right.

I better go to sleep, goodnight Mase<3

Me too, goodnight princess, safe travels tomorrow.

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