Chapter #18

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Chapter #18
Sam’s POV
“Baby that was amazing you did so good.” I say to Scarlett after the movie ends. “You think so?” She asks. “Scarlett that was awesome. I didn’t like the parts where you got hurt but it is in a movie so I don’t have to murder any of the cast.” I tell her and she chuckles. “Sam, there's a call for you. I don't know how they got my number. And Scarlett that amazing performance.” TIna says handing me her phone.
“Hello this is Sam, how can I help you?” I ask answering the phone.
“Sammy, I need your help.” They say through the phone.
“Mom?” I say tears running down my face from hearing her voice again. Scarlett was talking with Tina but the second she heard me say ‘Mom’ she was by my side.
“I left your father and he’s not happy about it. He's after me. Sammy I know I messed up and was a horrible mother but please Sammy I need somewhere to stay and I just got off my flight I’m at L.A.X. I understand if you want nothing to do with me. Sammy I’m scared.” Mom tells me.
“Scarlett and I are on our way. I’m going to call you on my phone once I hang up on Tina’s ok?” I tell her.
“Thank you Sammy.” Mom says and I can tell she’s trying not to cry.
“I’m on my way Mom.” I say hanging up.
“Sam what’s going on? What did your Mom want?” Scarlett asks. “She left Dad and he didn’t take it too well and is after her she’s at L.A.X. We need to get her.” I tell her as I hand TIna her phone after typing in the number Mom called from. We get to my truck and I speed out of the parking lot and head for L.A.X. “Scarlett, will you call since I’m driving? I already typed in the number.” I ask her, handing her my phone. “Why? Why would you want to help the woman that let your Dad abuse you?” Scarlett asks, slightly angry. “HE ABUSED HER TOO SCARLETT SHE TOOK MOST OF WHAT WAS MEANT FOR ME! SHE TRIED NOW PLEASE PRESS THE CALL BUTTON!” I yell fear in my voice at the thought of my Dad getting to my Mom.
“Sammy?” Mom answers as Scarlett put the phone on speaker.
“Yeah Mom it’s me Scarlett’s hear too you’re on speaker.” I tell her.
“I know you probably hate me both of you, but thank you.” Mom says.
“Mama I could never hate you. I know you tried your best.” I tell her, holding back tears.
“But it wasn’t enough. I should have left your father the minute he laid a hand on you but I was scared.” Mom says clearly crying.
“I know Mom I know. You don’t have to be afraid anymore I’m going to take care of you.” I tell her.
“Scarlett thank you for taking care of my baby girl when I couldn’t.” Mom says.
“I couldn’t let Marcus continue to beat the hell out of her something you never stopped!” Scarlett snaps.
“Scarlett too far.” I tell her.
“No, no Sammy sweetie she has every right to hate me.” Mom says.
“Ok Mom I’m here what gate are you at? I’ll come get you.” I tell her.
“Um B gate B.” Mom tells me.
“Ok Mom I’m coming.” I tell her hanging up.
I jump out of the truck and I take off running. I haven’t seen my mom since I was 16. “MOM!” I yell when I get to gate B. “MOM WHERE ARE YOU?!” I yell fear coursing through my body. Did Dad follow her and get to her already? “Sammy!” I hear Mom say from behind me and I turn around. She is wearing a hat and big sunglasses and a scarf around her neck but I still recognize her. My eyes fill with tears. “Mom.” I say hugging her but she winces. “Give me your bag, the truck is out front, come on Mom.” I tell her letting her go.

We get to the house Scarlett goes straight to the kitchen to get an ice pack knowing Mom is going to need it even though Mom hasn’t taken off her sunglasses, hat, or scarf. “Mom, you have to take off the hat, scarf and sunglasses.” I tell her as she nods she takes the scarf off first and her neck is bruised. My father's hand prints are very clear. She takes off the hat revealing a cut that hasn’t been tended to and when she takes off the sunglasses you can see half of her face is a dark purple. “Here you…” Scarlett starts as she comes in with an ice pack but freezes and drops the ice pack when she sees my Moms injuries. “I’m sorry excuse me.” She says running back into the kitchen. I grab the ice pack and bring it to Mom. “Hold this on your cheek. I’m going to check on Scarlett and get my med kit so I can tend to your cuts.” I tell Mom. “Sammy?” She calls out. “Yeah Ma?” I ask. “Thank you and I’m sorry for everything. I know sorry isn’t enough but it’s all I have right now I will do whatever it takes to try and make up  for what a horrible mother I was.” She says and I kneel down in front of her. “Mom I remember ever time you protected me from Dad. You did what you could ok I’m not mad at you I’m mad at him for what he did to us. You did the best you could in a horrible situation.” I tell her as I rub my thumbs over her knuckes. “Go check on your girl.” Mom says with a small smile. I walk into the kitchen and find Scarlett bent over the sink throwing up. “Whoa hey it’s ok I’m here.” I tell her as I hold her hair back and rub her back. “How long?” She asks. “How long for what?” I ask. “How long has he been doing this how long has he been abusing her?” She asks. “Since November 22nd 1984.” I tell her honestly. “Oh god.” She says before throwing up again. “And I’ve blamed her for you being abused all these years when he’s been abusing her too I’m a horrible person.” She says wiping her mouth with a paper towel. “You aren’t a horrible person dear.” Mom says from the doorway. “Sorry I didn’t mean to eavesdrop I just wanted to make sure Scarlett’s ok.” Mom says. “Please forgive me Mrs. Mily. I shouldn’t have said what I did over the phone.” Scarlett says her eyes are welling up. “There’s nothing to forgive dear. And please call me Laura.” Mom says. “Can I hug you Laura?” Scarlett asks. “Just be careful, I'm pretty sure Marcus broke some of my ribs.” Mom says and Scarlett wastes no time and gently hugs my Mom something I never thought I would see. “Laura, I can hire some private security if it will make you feel safer. I'm not letting that bastard near either of you.” Scarlett says. “I always knew you two were meant for each other ever since you saved Sammy that night all those years ago.” Mom says. “I’m sorry I didn’t come back for you Mom.” I say with my head hung. “No, no none of that. I am actually glad Melanie took you in and that Scarlett came that night. She did something I never could.” Mom says placing a hand on my cheek wiping my tears with her thumb. “She and Melanie, Adrian, Vanessa, and Hunter. They got you away from your father. This might sound harsh or hurtful but I’m glad they took you away. Because that meant my baby girl was safe and when you joined the Marines I was so proud of you because you have always been the opposite of your father you have always been a protector. I was terrified when Melanie informed me that you got deployed. But I knew you would come home because you are a fighter. You are the strongest person I know and I am so proud of all you have accomplished and that you and Scarlett finally figured out that you both love each other and are together now it took  you two long enough. I am proud of you.” Mom tells me and I break down. “I love you so much Mama. I have missed you. I was scared everyday that I would wake up and get a phone call telling me that Dad had killed you. When I heard your voice on the phone I was scared and relieved at the same time. And Mom I’m proud of you too. I know that it’s hard to get out of an abusive relationship and I am so so proud of you. He will never touch you again. I won’t let him.” I tell her through tears. “Laura, you can stay here as long as you need to.” Scarlett says. “No, I can get a hotel. I've bothered you too much already.” Mom says. “Ma we haven’t seen each other in a decade please stay here. And you are not a bother at all Mom.” I tell her. “Well you didn’t see me. But I saw you. I went to every performance you had in New York.” Mom tells me. “The roses were from you weren’t they?” I smile. “Yes they were.” Mom tells me.

An emotional chapter. The next one is going to be just as emotional and have drama. Anygays see you in the

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