Chapter #28

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Chapter #28
Scarlett’s POV
Last week was interesting to say the least. Sam and I are just cuddling in bed today watching T.V as our moms go out to catch up. “Oh my god Sam they did it again!” I say excitedly as I feel the baby kick. “Really? Come on, do it again please.” She says placing her hand on my stomach. “Holy shit they did it again!” She says happily. “Can you believe that in just one more month they will be here?” I ask. “I can’t wait to meet them.” Sam says with a smile. “Though we are going to have to get someone to babysit for the premiere in May.” I say. “We’ll figure that when we get there let's just take it one day at a time.” Sam says. “I’m hungry, I need a burger.” I say. “I can order some. Where do you want me to order from?” I ask. “McDonalds.” I say. “Really we never get McDonalds.” Sam asks. “That’s what the baby wants.” I say and she chuckles and then orders the food and calls Hunter to pick it up because I haven’t wanted to leave her side for the last month and she hasn’t complained at all. “Ok food is ordered and Hunter is going to pick it up for us.” She says. “Thank you.” I say giving her a peck on the cheek. “You’re very welcome.” She says back. “Ow!” I wince feeling a sharp pain in my stomach. “What’s wrong?” Sam says literally jumping out of the bed. “I don’t know. Ow.” I tell her holding my stomach. “Ok I’m taking you to the E.R.” She says. “I’m  sure it’s ow.. ok let’s go.” I agree as she picks me up damn woman how do you have the energy.

“Ok Ms. Johansson you are in labor.” The doctor says. “WHAT?!” Sam yells starting to panic. “She’s only 8 months pregnant.” Sam says while I lay in the hospital bed shocked. “Has there been anything stressful that’s happened recently?” They ask. “Yes but that was last week.” I say. “How stressful was the event?” The doctor asks. “I had to fight off my abusive father from getting to my Ma.” Sam says holding up her hands showing the scabs on her knuckles. “And were you there Ms. Johansson?” He asks me. “Yes.” I answer. “That’s 3 what caused this. But don’t worry we will get you up to a delivery room and we will take care of you.” He says. “Hey is it possible to get a private room? I'll pay whatever the cost is?” Sam asks. “Considering who my patient is I already booked a private room. A nurse will be in shortly to take you to your room.” He says leaving the room. “Nope not today they will just have to wait.” I say trying to get out of bed but Sam stops me. “Hey, hey, hey look at me Baby. They  are going to be fine.” Sam reasures me and she seems calm again. “We just get to meet Danny a little sooner. This is the hospital we were born in it feels right that they are born here too.” Sam says. “But what if somethings wrong?” I say. “Ms. Johansson?” A nurse comes in looking at a chart pushing a wheelchair. “Yes that’s me but I am not getting in that I can walk.” I say. “Ma’am it’s policly.” The nurse says. “I’m a former Medic what if I carried her?” Sam asks. “We are going up five floors are you sure?” The nurse asks and all sam does is roll up their sleeve showing her tattoo.

 “We are going up five floors are you sure?” The nurse asks and all sam does is roll up their sleeve showing her tattoo

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“Oh you are a Marine.” The nurse says. “Yep she’s wearing my dog tags though.” Sam says and I pull them out from under my shirt. “Well I shouldn’t do this but Semper Fi.” The nurse says rolling up her sleeve showing a tattoo of the Marine emblem. “THank you.” I say. “I’ll hold onto the I.V stand as you carry your wife.” The nurse says. “Thank you.” Sam says picking me up bridal style. We get to the room and after I’m settled in my bed and the doctor has checked me over, apparently I’m 3 centimeters dilated. “Sam, why didn’t you correct the nurse when she called me your wife?” I ask. “Well you will be my wife eventually.” Sam says with all the confidence in the world. “You want to get married?” I ask slightly happy and surpised. “Someday.” She says before we hear our mom’s voices. “I DON’T GIVE A FLYING FUCK IF THE ROOM IS PRIVET MY DAUGHTER IS HAVING A BABY!” I hear Mom yell. “Ma’am you don’t have authorization to go in there. “FUCK YOU I’M MEETING MY GRANDBABY!” Laura yells as she enters the room Mom follows behind her. The nurse comes rushing in. “Are they aloud in here?” She asks. “Yeah sorry for not telling you.” I say. “Oh and Rabbi Feldman is on the way.” Mom says. “What? Why?” I ask. “So you two can be married before the baby comes.” Mom says. “Mom we don’t even have rings.” I tell her. “Welllllll.” Sam says reaching into her pocket pulling out a box. “We do. I know they aren’t much but they were your grandparents wedding bands. I’ll get you something fancy later. But will they do it for now?” Sam says, showing me two silver bands. “Is this your way of proposing?” I ask. “Yes. Scarlett Ingrid Johansson, will you marry me?” She asks. “Yes and these are perfect.” I say. “Sam don’t you want a christian wedding?” Laura asks, confused. “Ma I practice Messianic Jewdisim. You know where you still believe in Jesus but you still follow and practice all of the Jewish traditions.” Sam explains. “You never told me that.” Laura says. “You never asked.” Sam says as there’s a knock on the door. “Come in.” Scarlett calls out and Hunter, Vanessa, Adrian, and Rabbi Feldman come in. “Mazel tov on the baby you two I always knew you two would end up together now I heard we are doing a wedding today.” Rabbi says. “Yes, that's correct. Rabbi.” I tell him. “Ok let’s do this.” Rabbi says.
(A/N I’m sorry I don’t know everything about Jewish weddings so we are just going to skip ahead)
After we are now married, the Rabbi had to go. "Ah fuck contractions hurt!" I yell as another contraction hits. "Sorry Baby." Sam says.
A few hours later Danny is here in the world perfectly healthy. He is under the normal weight of a newborn. But the doctor said that he is perfectly fine. "Here you go Mom. Here's your son.” The nurse says handing me Danny. “He’s so tiny. Are you sure he’ll be ok?” Sam asks. “Yes your son is perfectly healthy, they are just a little smaller due to being born a month early which happens more than you think. And the whole MARVEL cast is out in the waiting room.” The nurse says. “Ok thank you.” Sam says.

Yay! Danny’s here. I want to thank my co-author @Romanoffxchris again for all the help. Anygays see you in the next one.

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