Prologue: Introduction to the Academy and the New Students

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(Setting 1, Academy Front)

[The protagonist is waiting in front of the school.]

???: Here it is! The School for Gifted Individuals! Hope's Peak Academy! Except the front of the school didn't feature a cave. Meh, doesn't matter! It's still the school for people with special talents! Oh, I guess you're wondering who I am, aren't you? Hehe. Sorry about that. My name is Shiver. Shiver Icestorm. I'm waiting to get into this place just to see what it's like.

[Shiver stepped forwards onto the schoolgrounds, but then was hit with a wave of dizziness.]

Shiver Icestorm: What on earth?! What's happening?

[Shiver proceeds to pass out.]

(A few hours later)

[Shiver starts to wake up, but he's not outside anymore. He's now inside the school, partially restricted to the chalkboard.]

Shiver Icestorm: Huh? Where am I? Am I inside the school?

[Shiver looks around, then stands up.]

Shiver Icestorm: Huh. Interesting. The flyer for the school says to be at the main area at 8 O'clock- Oh shit! It is 8 O'clock! I gotta move!

[Shiver runs out of the classroom and into the main area, resembling a gym. Inside, there are 15 other students.]

???: Hey! There's the 16th student!

???: Another one? I just want to go home!

Shiver Icestorm: Wait, these are the students?! This will be so much fun!

[Shiver walks up to one of the 15 other students. This student wore a maroon hoodie and had a blade case on their back.]

???: Oh, you're one of the classmates. My name is Ninja Stomp. The talent I have is the Ultimate Swordsman.

{Ninja Stomp's information has been added into the database.}

[Shiver waves hello, then moves onto the next person.]

???: Hi there! I'm Zeni Firewave, Ultimate Strategist! I come up with tactics to stop foes in their tracks and I hope I can help with anything that you need.

{Zeni Firewave's information has been added into the database.}

???: Hiyahh! Name's Silly Skullkillz, the Ultimate Kickboxer! I'm here to enhance my skills and become one of the best kickboxers on the planet!

{Silly Skullkillz's information has been added into the database.}

???: Hello, fellow classmate! My name's Dalia Carnation! The people at this place call me the Ultimate Sweetheart!

[When Shiver tried to shake her hand to greet her, like what he did with the others, his hand got struck by what looks to be like a knife.]

???: Don't touch her! She is to be someone that no one in this god forsaken academy will ever fucking touch!

[Shiver gets a little intimidated by that and tries to put his hand away, but Dalia grabbed it.]

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