Chapter 1 (Daily Life): Pointed Rocks and Deception Arise!

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(Setting and Place: Morning of the 2nd Day and Shiver's Dormroom)

[Shiver walk out of his room and into the cafeteria, still trying to adjust what the headmaster looked like.]

Shiver Icestorm: Good morning, everyone! Did everyone sleep well?

Chihiro Ezra: Slept fine. You?

Julian T. Whitmore: That's a lie and you know it. You literally have bags under your eyes.

Chihiro Ezra: ...

Chloe Garrison: Don't even begin to worry about her. She's the Ultimate Therapist, remember?

Julian T. Whitmore: Dude, even therapists need to take care of themselves!

Shiver Icestorm: Dude, you're being unreasonable by saying that she doesn't need to be checked on!

Chloe Garrison: Did it look like I asked?

Xenophanes Crystalline: If I do say so myself, killing Chloe would be a relief to us, but we literally have to execute the one that did the crime, so I guess Chloe lives for now.

Cyanide Bloodstream: Too bad we can't just kill her and replace him with another student.

Lord X: That would've been interesting to see! A death, then a replacement!

Whitmore: Even though we so badly want her to die?

Chihiro Ezra: Yes, we have to let her live.

Chloe Garrison: In a life or death situation, neither side wins. It's every man for himself. No exceptions or substitutions. 

Ninja Stomp: Wait, is that really true?

Chloe Garrison: You know it, dumbass!

Chihiro Ezra: You're literally doing no one favors by talking shit, you know.

Chloe Garrison: Don't care, now I'm going to go write in my book. Don't even think about getting me out of there.

[Chloe leaves the area, flipping people off.]

Shiver Icestorm: Damn, what stick got up her ass?

Chihiro Ezra: Individuals acting like that have no parental figures. Chloe lacks one probably because her own parental figures left her behind.

Julian T. Whitmore: Bro's got a stick so far up her ass it became her hat.

[The group started laughing from the joke Julian made, Chihiro not laughing at all.]

Julian T. Whitmore: Come on, Hiro. Try to lighten up.

Chihiro Ezra: I'm good, I promise.

Shiver Icestorm: I would say she's lying, but I don't want to pry into her personal life.

Whitmore: Best not to, anyway. People have their personal opinions and secrets.

[The group nod while Chihiro walks off to her own bedroom.]

Cyanide Bloodstream: So, Kiyoka said for us to meet up in the main hall again. Wonder what for this time.

Xenophanes Crystalline: Probably for something useless.

Silly Skullkillz: Hopefully it's something useful.

Shiver Icestorm: Let's keep an extra eye on everything.

Silly Skullkillz: Right. Last thing we want to do is wound up dead because of a miscommunication.

Lord X: I'm so close to killing this kid. Trust me.

Xenophanes: Don't. It won't be worth executing you. Hell, anyone doesn't deserve an execution.

Yuki Green-Red: We should probably get going to the meeting.

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