Chapter 2, Class Trial: The Trial of Cyanide Bloodstream

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Kiyoka: Firstly, allow me to explain the rules of the class trial. You'll use the evidence and tools you've gathered to find out who is the blackened. If you pick correctly, only the blackened will be punished, but if you picked the wrong one, I'll punish everyone besides the blackened.

Shiver Icestorm: {Here we are again! We had another murder happen. And, it was Cyanide Bloodstream, the one grieving over her lost friend. We need to solve this quickly and find out which one of us killed her.}

Chihiro Ezra: Well, we're here again. This time, let's not waste any time and get this over with.

Chloe Garrison: So, we need to assist the heartless in finding the killer? Again?

Julian T. Whitmore: Please for the love of God, stop!

Chloe Garrison: Just saying. She might be the killer. Who knows?

Shiver Icestorm: While Chloe is an asshole, she's not wrong. Chihiro and all of us are potential suspects to Cyanide's murder. 

Jaxton Red-Green: That doesn't make me one, right?

Yuki Green-Red: Idiot! That means you, too.

Dalia Carnation: Ooo! Ooo! May I provide the first question, please?

Shiver Icestorm: Go on, then.

Dalia Carnation: Chihiro was injured! The burn marks proves that she was a victim of the injury! So, she's innocent.

Chloe Garrison: Really, you deranged little girl? Chihiro is an assailant!

Benjamin Black: Hey, don't speak to her like that! She's just trying to help!

Dalia Carnation: *hic* You're mean! I was just trying to help!

Shiver Icestorm: {All fingers are pointing at Chihiro for being the murderer, but there's not enough evidence to prove she is the actual killer. I'll need to listen to their statements carefully.}

(A non-stop debate starts up, four bullets loaded into the slot: Charred Rope, State of the Room, State of the Corpse, and Gas Can.)

Dalia Carnation: So, Chihiro is the killer?

Zeni Firewave: Very much so. At least, at the moment.

Jaxton Red- Green: Wasn't the room spotless?

Benjamin Black: You're such an idiot if you saw the crime scene.

Drifted Madara: I'm pretty sure the chalkboard was scorched.

Dalia Carnation: Yay! The room was safe to walk in!

Shiver Icestorm: {The statement from Jaxton contradicts the crime scene. Got to pay attention.}

(The debate replays, Shiver firing the State of the Room bullet at the statement.)

Shiver Icestorm: That's invalid!!! The room wasn't at all spotless. The room looked like it had been through an explosion, minus the destruction and breaking of the walls and door.

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