Chapter 2 (Daily Life): Psychotic Endeavors

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(Setting and Place: Morning of the 4th Day and Cafeteria)

(The mood in the cafeteria was a bit... on the dark side. No one was talking to one another, especially Cyanide and Chihiro.)

Chloe Garrison: It is fucking quiet in here today!

Whitmore: What do you think? We witnessed three of our friends' deaths yesterday.

Julian T. Whitmore: Normally, I would joke around, but this is a mood killer.

Shiver Icestorm: Look, death isn't something to brush by quickly.

Cyanide Bloodstream: ...

(The look on Cyanide's face was absolute depression and shock.)

Shiver Icestorm: Cyanide? You good?

Cyanide Bloodstream: I lost him... My only friend...

Chihiro Ezra: Sorry, Cyanide.

Cyanide Bloodstream: Sorry? You're all fucking sorry?!?! I lost my friend because of this stupid game you guys got us into!!!!

Julian T. Whitmore: Whoa, dude! Slow your roll! Don't yell at her! She did nothing.

Cyanide Bloodstream: If I would've said something, I-

Chloe Garrison: Just shut it, shit tits! No one cares about you grieving for a psychotic dirtbag like X! So, please! Do us all a favor and shut your trap!

(Everyone looked at Chloe, pissed off.)

Whitmore: Too far, dude!

Drifted Madara: That could've been you dead! Murdered or executed!

Chloe Garrison: And, it wasn't. Deal with it!

Chihiro Ezra: You do know no one is not on your side, right?

Chloe Garrison: I don't care. This'll be entertaining, because I get to watch all of you kill each other before the time ends. 

Dalia Carnation: So, we have to kill each other?

Benjamin Black: Don't listen to him, Dalia. He's just trying to get under everyone's skin.

Chihiro Ezra: Besides, there'll be a motive, like the last one, which was a student's secret getting exposed. 

Dalia Carnation: Hopefully no one has to go through all of that again.

Benjamin Black: It's the killing game. A murder is on the table whether you like it or not, unfortunately.

Chihiro Ezra: Ben's right. Someone in this class is bound to kill another classmate.

Chloe Garrison: I'm telling you, the next culprit is the heartless!

Chihiro Ezra: ...

Shiver Icestorm: God Damnit, Chloe!

(A loud screeching sound plays over the intercoms, making everyone cover their ears.)

Kiyoka: Attention, student body! Come into the gym for a pep rally! It's an important one, so please be on time.

(The intercom becomes quiet.)

Zeni Firewave: Great. Another pep rally.

Cyanide Bloodstream: I'm not going. I'll be going to my room.

Jaxton Red-Green: Well, guess that leaves us now. Let's go!

Drifted Madara: Finally, he said something intelligent.

(Everyone but Cyanide goes to the gym, Kiyoka waiting patiently.)

Kiyoka: Well, well, boys and girls. Looks like you live to see another day.

Drifted Madara: What motive do you have for us this time? The secrets was the last one!

Kiyoka: *laughs* The motive is something pretty extreme! The student who kills another classmate without getting caught will receive a 7 million dollar private jet!

(The mentioning of the jet brightened Jaxton's eyes.)

Jaxton Red-Green: So, wait, the culprit gets to have a private jet all to themselves? For free?

Kiyoka: Indeed, young man! Kill another classmate and it's all yours.

(Jaxton looks at the other students.)

Zeni Firewave: This is the motive? That's one weird way of actually getting someone to kill.

Shiver Thorn: If you think either one of us will fall for your motives again, Kiyoka, you are sorely mistaken!

Kiyoka: What about Lord X? He killed two of your classmates so his secrets wouldn't get exposed!

(Everyone froze for a moment, looking at the fox with a look of disgust.)

Chihiro Ezra: Just shut up already! The motive's already been said and done!

Yuki Green-Red: Please do. The next thing we need is another murder.

Kiyoka: Very well then, but the jet is going to belong to the one who graduates!

(Kiyoka then disappears into the floor, leaving the students in complete shock.)

Jaxton Red-Green: A fucking jet!? Hell yeah! I'm in for that shit!

Yuki Green-Red: Jaxton, wait! Don't trust that!

Chihiro Ezra: It's a trap! I know it! Remember what happened to X?

(Everyone looks down to the floor, remembering what exactly happened.)

Drifted Madara: Yeah, let's not, please. It was too much to remember.

Chloe Garrison: Let's just get back with the others! Fuck this shit, man!

(The others head back into their dorms, scared expressions except for Chloe and Chihiro present.)

Shiver Icestorm: {Please tell me no one is going to try and hurt anyone else. Can't afford another casuality, like last time.}

(The Next Morning)

(Jaxton, Shiver, Whitty, and Julian were having a conversation, mostly about finding a way out of the building.)

Jaxton Red-Green: So, we find our way out by throwing the weapons at the doors? Or, or, maybe use the jet? Or, or-

Whitmore: Jaxton, shut up. We're trying to eat breakfast!

Julian T. Whitmore: Weird not seeing Chihiro here for breakfast.

Shiver Icestorm: Yeah, that really is weird. She's usually the first one up.

Julian T. Whitmore: I'll go check up on her.

(Julian walks off to go check up on Tenko, not knowing Whitmore and Shiver were following behind. Behind those closed doors was a horrifying sight.

Shiver Icestorm: {The bodies of Chihiro Ezra and Cyanide Bloodstream, both on the floor. I walked over to the bodies, Chihiro takes a deep breath and wakes up, blood and ash on her body.}

Chihiro Ezra: Shiver, what happened? I don't remember being here. Is Cyanide okay?

Julian T. Whitmore: No, she's dead. Her body is burned to a crisp.

Whitmore: And, she was going through the despair of losing her friend to an execution. I never felt so bad.

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