Chapter 1 (Deadly Life): Bloody Rocks and Tortured Deception

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(Setting and Place: Morning of the 3rd Day and Cafeteria)

[The cafeteria was dim to say the least. Chloe, Chihiro, and Shiver are in a table, talking.]

Chloe Garrison: Look, there's no time to be emotionless, Chihiro! It's called letting it out.

Chihiro Ezra: ...

Shiver Icestorm: Dude, just stop. Leave her alone!

Chloe Garrison: How about no?

[Julian came from the shadows and grabbed Chloe.]

Julian T. Whitmore: If you even think I'm going to let you hurt her, you're sorely mistaken!

Chloe Garrison: *scared* I-I won't! Just let me go!

[Julian drops Chloe, her running off like a coward.]

Shiver Icestorm: !!!

Chihiro Ezra: ...

Julian T. Whitmore: Calm down. She just went to get the others for breakfast.

Chihiro Ezra: Right. Once everyone's here, we can eat.

(Several minutes pass and everyone but two people show up. Almost immediately, everyone knew who it was.)

Drifted Madara: Hey, where's Xenophanes and Silly? Are they not hungry?

Julian T. Whitmore: Could be still asleep. Who knows?

Drifted Madara: Think they'll wake up? Because I really would love to eat before class.

Shiver Icestorm: Is this even a school? Because it's in a cave of all places, off the grid in a way, and there's really no textbooks nor core curriculum in this joint.

Chloe Garrison: Maybe it's just a place where you kill people and hide bodies. Convincing enough for you dipasses? 

Chihiro Ezra: There's no need to be mean like that.

Chloe Garrison: Shut up, heartless. At least I can feel unlike you.

Ninja Stomp: Can you stop picking on her? Like, jeez. We're trapped here together, so we might as well just at least cooperate.

Whitmore: I already like this kid. We should stick together in this place, even if it means we all lose our lives.

Dalia Carnation: Friends shouldn't kill friends! ^^

Benjamin Black: *She's like a fragile flower that needs protecting! I'll protect her with my life!* She is right in a way. We shouldn't focus on killing each other, but to leave this place alive.

Drifted Madara: If we can crack this code and expose the mastermind before someone dies, it'll be a plus one.

[Everyone put on pondering faces before splitting up for the day.]

Shiver Icestorm: {Something feels off since we haven't seen Xeno or Silly. Normally, they're the first ones to arrive. Silly for his supplements and Xeno for his coffee before leaving for the day.} Maybe I can check on Silly. He has been training a lot more often than not since we landed at this academy. Still, though. When Headmaster Kiyoka said that we had to kill a classmate in order to survive, what was running through his head? Whatever. I'll think about it later.

(Shiver enters the room, but what he saw next was... a horrifying sight.)

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