Chapter 3, Class Trial: The Trial of Whitmore and Julian T. Whitmore

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Kiyoka: Now, let me explain the rules of the class trial. You all will use the evidence that you gathered to figure out who did it. If you pick the right person, only they will receive punishment, but if you choose the wrong person, everyone but the blackened will receive punishment.

Drifted Madara: So, here we are again, in the trial room. Except this time, we have to find the one who killed Whitmore and Julian.

Dalia Carnation: I don't want to do another class trial! 

Benjamin Black: Well, we have to, or we all die.

Chloe Garrison: Who wants to vote right now? I think it's the heartless!

Chihiro Ezra: ...

Shiver Icestorm: This is the third trial that made you say all of that. It's not Chihiro, you idiot!

Chloe Garrison: And, how do you know that, loser?

Zeni Firewave: Stop fighting!!!

Drifted Madara: It is getting us nowhere. Look, we need to discuss first on how the murders came to be.

Chihiro Ezra: ...

Shiver Icestorm: You're talking about-

Chloe Garrison: You really that much of an idiot? Remember the motives!?

Zeni Firewave: Yeah, the motive! I don't remember.

Shiver Icestorm: {The motive was something drastic, but it was enough to land us back here again. I need to know what that was.}

(Multiple Choice Question: What was the murder motive? A. A thick stack of cash B. Records wiped clean C. A new mansion)

Shiver Icestorm: The answer lies here! The motive... Wasn't it if a a student graduates, their record would be wiped clean?

Zeni Firewave: Wait, now I remember! It was that! But, most of us didn't have records.

Chloe Garrison: I'm a hero, so if I were to get a record, the government would wipe it clean in a flash.

Drifted Madara: Not the point, idiot.

Ninja Stomp: Look, we're getting off-topic here! We need to figure out how the motive was even presented within the murders!

Chihiro Ezra: Right... Then we can...

Chloe Garrison: Shut up, heartless! Nobody cares!

Ninja Stomp: Can you knock it off picking on Chihiro please!?

Chloe Garrison: When we all die because she's the culprit, don't come crying to me.

Shiver Icestorm: {Someone might be able to break this little cycle by discussing something. Then, we can establish the crime scene.}

(A Nonstop Debate starts, three bullets loaded into the slot: Kiyoka Files 4 and 5, Pool List, and Zeni's Account.) 

Chihiro Ezra: So, we need to discuss the location of the murders first to establish a concept.

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