Chapter 3: Captivated by the Scent of Despair (Deadly Life)

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Shiver Icestorm: {My eyes could not believe on what I am seeing right now. The bodies of Whitmore and Julian T. Whitmore were found dead in the pool supply room. What do I do now? I am unsure.}

Zeni Firewave: *shrieks loudly* There's two more dead bodies!?

Jaxton Red-Green: Why did it have to be them? They always lightened the mood up when we were down.

Shiver Icestorm: We need to get the others in now!

(Just after Shiver said that, the screen came roaring down, powering on with a surprised Kiyoka.)

Kiyoka: My, my, whatever happened to these two? Well, stay tuned into the trial to find out, boys and girls. Now, gather the others and start investigating! 

(The others were gathered in the room in no time, one of them looking at their own handywork.)

Chloe Garrison: Now the game is starting to get very interesting. I like that.

Drifted Madara: Dude, you're really starting to become really annoying with that. Stop it.

Dalia Carnation: No, no, no. Why them? They were innocent.

Ninja Stomp: Whoever did this is a sick fuck. No holds barred anymore.

Benjamin Black: I agree. This killing game needs to end now.

Shiver Icestorm: (The others saying that the game needs to stop. Reminds me of what happened before I stepped foot into this school. Ever since I went inside this place, death and destruction is all I have seen.)

Drifted Madara: The announcement already went off. Now's the time to start investigating before the trial.

Chihiro Ezra: ...

Chloe Garrison: Who wants to bet the heartless killed them?

Shiver Icestorm: Shut. It.

Jaxton Red-Green: You literally said that in every trial and investigation. Please stop talking.

Chloe Garrison: When the heartless is the killer, don't come crying to me, alright?

Drifted Madara: Whatever, let's just start the investigation.

(Commence the Investigation!)

(Chihiro gets down on her knees, looking at the two's bodies for any signs of external injury.)

Chihiro Ezra: Hm. Julian has a slash across his neck while Whitty has an indent on his head. Julian was stabbed and what looks to be decapitated and Whitty was bludgeoned, along with multiple stabbings.

(State of the Corpses was added to the Truth Bullets inventory.)

Zeni Firewave: I'm seeing one weapon covered in their blood. I can't make it out, but it has to be the murder weapon.

(Murder Weapon has been added to the Truth Bullets inventory.)

Shiver Icestorm: Hm, I'm looking at how the room is situated and it doesn't look like how we left it yesterday after we all took a dip in the water. Wasn't Whitmore and Julian with us?

Jaxton Red-Green: They didn't get into the water, though.

Shiver Icestorm: But, they were still with us, no?

Jaxton Red-Green: They were with us.

Shiver Icestorm: There's my answer.

Drifted Madara: So that makes it me, Chloe, Chihiro, Jaxton, and Shiver at the pool then. We have a list now.

(Pool List has been added to the Truth Bullets inventory.)

Chihiro Ezra: Don't forget we have the Kiyoka files.

(Kiyoka Files 4 and 5 have been added to the Truth Bullets inventory.)

Zeni Firewave: I remember when Whitmore and Julian came back from meeting with Chihiro to basically reassure her that they were still alive.

(Zeni's Account has been added to the Truth Bullets inventory.)

Benjamin Black: I didn't really hear a damn thing. All I know is that I met up with Whitmore before nighttime. Obviously alone.

(Benjamin's Account and Benjamin Alone has been added to the Truth Bullets inventory.)

Kiyoka: *dings into the speakers* Well, well, time's up, kiddos! Time to commence the beating of your lives! Make your way to the trial elevator!

Shiver Icestorm: {Here we go, we're on our way back to the trial room. I don't like this at all, but we need to uncover the killer of Whitmore and Julian T. Whitmore. Wish us luck everyone.}

(Everyone proceeds to go down into the trial room, silence ringing across the area,) 

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