Chapter 2 (Deadly Life): Psychotic Endeavors

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(A bell rings overhead, making the others stop for a second.)

Kiyoka: Well, well, this is unfortunate. The body of another classmate found. What a shame. Well, you all know the drill. Investigation, then the trial! Let's get to it!

(Everyone entered into the room, fanning out the smoke.)

Dalia Carnation: What happened in here? It smells like a barbeque!

Benjamin Black: Looks like someone got burned. Whose body is this?

Whitmore: It's Cyanide's. Looks like her and Chihiro were burned late last night.

Chihiro Ezra: I don't even know how I got there, either. I was up for one moment, but then suddenly, I was taken in here and burned. Surprised I didn't die.

Chloe Garrison: Would've been great for you to!

(Julian punched Zeni in the face, shutting them up.)

Whitmore: Thank you for that, Julian. Anyway, looks like the smoke settled, so let's see what caught it on fire.

(Whitmore points to a set of matches near a gas can.)

Chihiro Ezra: This has enough power to start a fire, let alone, explode if too much were to be put near a match.

(Gas Can was added to the Truth Bullets inventory.)

Jaxton Red-Green: So, would that mean there would have to a source to set fire to in here?

Dalia Carnation: Maybe this charred piece of rope could be it?

Chihiro Ezra: That could be the source to light up the gas can.

(Charred Rope was added to the Truth Bullets inventory.)

Drifted Madara: There's a gun lying here, and it's scratched. It was definitely used in the murder.

(Scratched Gun was added to the Truth Bullets inventory.)

Dalia Carnation: If I remember correctly, me and Ben saw Cyanide on her way to the chemistry lab to pick up a chemical, as she claimed. Didn't know we all would find her like this.

(Dalia's Account was added to the Truth Bullets inventory.)

Chihiro Ezra: I just came to this classroom to be alone, when everything went dark. Then, now we're here. 

(Chihiro's Account was added to the Truth Bullets inventory.)

Shiver Icestorm: Speaking of which, the Kiyoka File doesn't give us an exact time of death, nor does it give us which parts of the body was actually injured.

Zeni Firewave: Well, it's hard to tell which specific part of the body was actually injured through fire! Plus, I could smell the smoke from my dorm, if that helps. The distance of the smoke was quite far for reaching to my room.

(Kiyoka File 2 and Zeni's Account has been added to the Truth Bullet inventory.)

Benjamin Black: I remember Drifted being alone at one point six doors down from the classroom, but I don't know if it's tied to the murder or not.

(Drifted Alone was added to the Truth Bullets inventory.)

Kiyoka: Alright, time's up! Time for the long awaited part, the class trial! Remember to meet near the back room of the dorms!

(Everyone nonchalantly goes to the exact spot and rides the elevator down to the trial room.)

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