16: Sunsets

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“What do you feel when you see sunset?” Risa asked as she lay down on the grassy knoll beside Leni. They had been dating for two years now, but every date was like the first time they’ve fallen in love. Every conversation was a discovery, a chance to learn more about each other.

“Calming pero parang ang lungkot niya minsan tingnan,” Leni replied, the sunset casting a golden glow on her face.

“Bakit naman?”

“Kasi hindi ko alam kung kailan ako ulit makakakita ng ganito kasama ka. Parang every sunset is a reminder of how fleeting life is.”

Risa took Leni’s hand and squeezed it. “Huwag kang malungkot, love. Kasi every moment we have together ay parang sunset rin, but the memories we make will last forever.”

Leni smiled at Risa’s words. She was right, of course. Every moment with Risa felt like a sunset – beautiful and fleeting, but the memories would stay with her forever.

They sat on the grassy knoll, talking about their future plans and aspirations. Leni wanted to be a lawyer, and Risa, an artist. They talked about their dream home, where they would want to live, and how they would decorate it.

As the sun slowly set below the horizon, Leni took Risa’s hand and pulled her up. “Tara na, maglakad lakad muna tayo bago magdinner.”

Risa chuckled and let Leni lead her towards the path that led to the beach. The sun had set, but the sky was still painted a beautiful shade of pink and orange. As they walked along the beach, they passed by a group of teenagers having a bonfire party. The sound of their laughter and the smell of the burning wood filled the night air.

Leni and Risa sat on the sand near the bonfire, holding hands as they watched the flames dance. Leni leaned her head on Risa’s shoulder, feeling at peace in her lover’s company.

“Alam mo, Ris,” Leni started, breaking the silence between them. “Kung babalik tayo sa panahon kung saan hindi pa tayo magkakilala, maiisip mo ba na magiging tayo?”

Risa was taken aback by the question, but she didn’t hesitate to reply. “Oo naman, Leni.”

Leni looked up at Risa, her eyes shining with tears. She leaned forward and kissed Risa, pouring all of her love and gratitude into the kiss.

The fire sizzled and crackled, casting an orange glow on their intertwined hands. The sound of the ocean waves provided a soothing background music to their moment.

As they pulled away from each other, Leni reached into her bag and pulled out a small bag of marshmallows. “Gusto mo magluto ng marshmallow?”

Risa grinned. “Oo pero ikaw ang magluluto ha.”

Leni laughed and took out two long sticks from the sand. Together, they roasted the marshmallows, enjoying the sweet and gooey treat.

“Ang sarap no? Lalo na kung kasama ang taong mahal mo,” Leni said as she chewed on her marshmallow.

“Yes. Ang random pero ikaw ang pinaka magandang nakita ng mga mata ko. Kahit gaano kahirap ang sitwasyon, okay lang. Basta’t ikaw kasama ko.” Risa replied with a wink.

Leni chuckled. “Nako, anong nangyari sa’yo? Lumalandi ka na yata,” she playfully nudged Risa.

Risa grinned. “Eh, wag ka nga. Saʼyo lang naman ako malandi.”

They both laughed, enjoying each other’s company under the moonlit night. The night was perfect, but they both knew that nothing lasts forever.

As the night drew to a close, Leni and Risa stood up, dusting the sand off their clothes. They walked towards the shore, the waves chasing after them with each step.

Leni stopped and turned to face Risa. "I want to tell you something, Risa. Promise me you won't hate me."

"What is it, Leni?" Risa said, sensing something was off.

"I'm sick, Risa. The doctors say that there's no cure, and I only have a few months to live." Leni couldn't hold back her tears as she spoke those words, fearing that this truth would ruin everything. How ironic that a while ago they're just talking about their plans together and now all of their dreams will just disappear because of her confession.

Risa was lost for words. She held onto Leni, trying to comfort her – but what comfort could she offer when they were both facing such a tragic situation?

"Do you remember the first time we watched the sunset together? You said that sunsets were a reminder that every ending could be beautiful." Leni whispered.

"We'll find a way, Leni. I promise you." Risa tried to stay strong and hopeful for Leni's sake.

They both knew the inevitable – but they also knew that they didn't want their love to be defined by the disease that was slowly consuming Leni. They wanted their love to be remembered for the happy moments they shared together.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Leni's condition worsened to the point where she could hardly leave the house, let alone watch the sunset as they used to.

Risa took on the role of caregiver, spending every waking moment with Leni. They spent hours watching movies, talking about everything and nothing at all.

One evening, as the sun was setting, Leni took her last breath in Risa's arms. She passed away peacefully, knowing that her love for Risa would never die.

Risa was left to pick up the pieces of her shattered heart. She would never forget what they had, but she knew that she needed to move forward, even if it felt like she was leaving Leni behind.

As she watched the sunset alone, tears streaming down her face, Risa whispered, "I love you, My Maria Leonor. You'll always be my sunset."

Risa never forgot Leni, and she never stopped watching the sunset.

Sunday morning, as she was walking along the beach, she saw a young couple sitting together watching the sunset. The girl was resting her head on the boy's shoulder as their hands intertwined.

Risa smiled – the sunset was a reminder that every ending could be beautiful. It was a reminder that love could be found and cherished, even in the darkest moments. It may have been a tragic story, but it was one that was filled with love, hope, and beautiful sunsets.


hello! bawi na lang ako next life :P
love u, guys! ingat kayo palagi 🩷

Sincerely, LenrisaWhere stories live. Discover now