Zoey's P.O.V
"Zoey...you have to give him back his phone." Dawn said from behind causing me to jump.
Right now I was still in the process of messing with all of Calum's social media. For Man Crush Monday I posted a picture on his instagram of a hobo. But that was just instagram. Twitter was the last one, because you know save the best for last.
"But...but I haven't finished messing with his twitter." I whinned as Dawn snatched his phone out of my hands.
"No, you have to give him his phone back. You said so yourself you're his girlfriend." She said handing me his phone back that she locked.
"I put air quotes around the word girlfriend." I said taking the phone back, and unlocking it.
After Calum went to the nurse and I convince Luke to unlock his phone, Dawn left before Luke even unlocked the phone. Luke being the good boy he is unlocked Calum's phone told me the password and helped me put my fingerprint on Calum's phone.
"You still said it. Give him his phone back." I rolled my eyes at how bossy she is.
"Ugh you're such a mom." I groaned.
"I'm older than you." Dawn was like a year older because of her birthday being in December. So because of the cut off date we're in the same grade.
"Oh I'm Dawn I'm older than you so I can boss you around." I teased
"Shut up. I don't talk like that." She laughed.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and went back to Calum's Twitter to tweet crazy shit.
"Zoey," she warned.
"Ugh, fine I will go to homeroom saying I'm alive and then I go find him to give him his phone." I said locking his phone and shoving it in my pocket.
"That works for me." She said as I slammed my locker shut and walk towards my homeroom.
Homeroom looked normal as it always was all the students were talking really loud, some were throwing stuff at each other and the teacher was talking to some of the students trying it to control them.
"Zoey's here!" screamed one the annoying girls in the room. The homeroom teacher turned around and smile at me. She was a nice teacher but she always had a hard time trying to control the class.
"Oh, Zoey, good you're here! I was taking attendance and you're name was no longer on the list. So I called the office and they said you are having a completely new schedule and that you are changing homerooms. They said to send you to the office." She explained.
"Oh, okay. Thank you." I smile and nodded. I left the chaotic room and walked down to the hallways to the office.
New schedule? I have been asking for days for a new schedule, and all the time they said no. Why now? It made no sense. Since middle school they always put me in the easiest class. I mean it was an easy A but like it was like too easy for me. I have been asking to before the school year even started to put me in a higher class and to change me schedule but every time I would ask they would tell me to deal with it. And now they call me down saying that I have a new schedule? That made no sense.
"Mom?" I asked confused. My mom along with another woman were about to walk out the building when I stopped them. "What are you doing here?"
"Hi honey." She nervously laughed. "I just came to talk to your school."
"About what and isn't she your lawyer?" I asked gesturing to the woman standing next to her.
"Uhm, yeah this Melanie Waters and we were just talking with your school."
"With your lawyer?" I asked getting suspicious.
The bell rang signaling the end of homeroom giving my mom a perfect chance to leave.
"We'll talk later honey." She said walking a step closer and giving me a kiss on the head. "Come on Melanie. Bye Zoey." She waved.
Okay now I'm really nervous and confused. What the hell was my mom doing at my school? And why was her lawyer here? And why did she nervous seem to tell why she was here. Why do I get the feeling that she did this because Dawn suggest she should.
Terrified, I walked into the office. I was greeted by the cool air from the air conditioner. There was desk in the front and behind that two other desks. There was one door behind the two desks that led to the guidance consular office and from there you could see the nurse's office because door was opened. There was a door to the right of the desk which led to the vice principal and the principal office.
There was a lady sitting behind of one the two desks on the back but she was the phone. The other one was talking to the guidance consular. And another was talking to a kid with an ice pack on his ankle. I took a closer look at the kid and realized that the kid was Calum and he was just answering some questions that the lady was asking him. The nurse came from behind me and because I'm an idiot I didn't realize I was standing in front of door.
"Excuse me honey," The nurse said trying to get past me. The nurse was actually a kind lady. She was a sweet person who sometimes tell jokes when you're in her office. She was dark skin and had a bit of hunched on her back she was maybe in her late 40's or early 50's.
"Oh sorry Mrs. Homes," I apologized and moved out of her way.
"That's okay Zoey." She said as she walked to her office. She used to be my neighbor until she moved when her daughter got married she still remembers me from the girl who always ran around the yard. She smiled at the lady asking Calum question and then to Calum. She spoke something to the lady which caused Calum to turn his head towards me. I pulled out Calum's phone and waved it to him and then unlocked it, his eyes widen realizing I still have his phone.
"How did you unlock it?" He mouthed.
"Luke." I answered back.
He titled his head back and groaned which caused the nurse and the lady to turn to face him. I put his phone back into my pocket.
The lady who was on the phone covered one end of the phone, "Janice there's a young lay standing here." She called the lady who was talking to the nurse then going back to the phone call.
The lady or Janice excused herself from the nurse and walked back to the office to where I was standing. "Are you Zoey Winters?" She asked. I nodded my head in response.
"Follow me," she led the way to the guidance consular who was talking to talking to another secretary.
"Sorry to disturb you two, but Mrs. Simmers but Miss. Winters is here."
"Oh, hand me the papers. Come here Zoey." She spoke. She leaned her hands behind her and leaned on her desk.
"Okay here's the deal. Your mom came and we discussed some few things. We had the Principal involved and her lawyer. Basically we are making changes with you. Academics vise. We reviewed your test score from previous years, we also saw how you took course to get credits and basically we realized that we should of put you in higher levels than you are now, and because you took courses to give you credits we will give the credits and change your schedule to well owed one. The school is really sorry for misplacing you. "She explained.
So basically it took my mom to come in to school with her lawyer to get my schedule change? I'm not even going to say anything. Right now I'm just happy that my schedule it going to be changed.
"So what's my new schedule?" I asked. She smiled and reach her hand out as the one the office sectary hands her some papers.
"Just get this sign by your teachers from your old schedule." She said handing me a blue paper. "And show this to your new teachers from your new schedules." She said handing me my schedule that I have been dying to get.
"Okay. Thanks." I smiled was about to head my way out when I heard Calum talk.
"Uhm, I'm feeling better now. Can I leave?"
"Are you sure?" Asked the nurse, Calum nodded. "Okay well you can go let me just write you a pass... What's your first class?"
"History, Mr. Reed." Calum said. I look down at my schedule just to make sure.
I'm screwed.
"You got to be fucking kidding me!" I groaned to myself, but apparently I might have said that a little too loud.
"Is there a problem?" Asked Mrs. Simmer
Oh nothing really. Just that my best friend is making me date that idiot. And well we have history together. Literally history, bad history.
"Oh nothing I just remember that I start my period tomorrow." I quickly say. She titled her head and let out a laugh and nodded her head believing my lie. Calum on the other hand didn't and look at me confused.
"Oh Zoey? Don't you have Mr. Reed right now? Mind helping Calum, he seems like he is still a little hurt." I looked at Calum and then at Mrs. Simmer.
I put out a fake smile and nodded my head. "I don't mind."
"Excellent." She smiled and walked off into her office. Calum being the pathetic loser he is limped all the way towards me.
"Thanks for the help fellow classmate!" he annoyingly said.
"Shut up. Let's go." I said opening the door. "Ladies first," I said as I held the door for. Calum rolled his eyes and walked out the door and I followed. Once the door was closed Calum stopped liming and started walking.
"You're such a faker."
"At least I got out of running today." He proudly said.
"I thought you like running." I asked him leaning onto a locker next to his.
"Not when it's like 80 degrees outside." He said opening his locker.
"That makes sense." I said watching him.
"Why were you in the office?" He asked,
"My schedule got changed." I said gesturing to the paper in my hand.
"That explains why your mom was there."
"Yup," I nodded my head.
"Let me see." He asked reaching for the paper. I gave him the paper and saw the sudden change of expression in his face.
"What?" I asked grabbing the paper
"We have some classes together."
"Isn't that fun!" I sarcastically said. Calum slammed his locker shut and leaned off the other locker. He put his arm my shoulder and we walked to class.
"You know no one is around, right? You don't have to put your arm around me."
"True but I going to have to start doing it often so,"
"This feels weird." I blurted out. Calum titled his head. "The whole dating thing. We hate each other and now we're acting like we love each other. It's just weird, you know?"
"Yeah it is, but we'll get used to it. I think."
"I better get a good car for this." I muttered to myself as Calum knocked on the door.
I had Mr. Reed before in my old schedule so all I had to say to him was that my schedule got changed. And being one of those clueless teachers he is, he assigned my seat to be right in front of Calum.
The class seem like it went by quick since Calum and I came late. It turned out that Calum wasn't lying and we actually did have classes together. But I was happy that I only have to deal with him for only 3 classes, History, Science, and Spanish.
The bell rang indicating the end of school and I walked out my Spanish class and to my locker when I felt someone's hands on my waist.
"Hello princess," he said.
"Hello dork." I smirked. His smile on his face dropped.
"You're so mean." He whined as if he were a baby.
"But you love me anyways."
"More than you know." He said leaning in.
"Back off." Calum said pushing Zeke away. Zeke slammed into a locker making everyone turn their attention here.
"Don't touch me," Zeke said shoving back.
"Then don't touch my girlfriend." Calum snapped at him. Zeke looked at me seeing if I was going to say anything but I couldn't say anything even if I wanted to. By now everyone was looking at us, and if I said Calum and I weren't dating then everyone would know and the deal would be off. I wanted to say something but nothing came out.
"I see how it is now. One minute you don't give a shit about the whole damned thing and the next you do."
"Zeke," I was about to argue but was interrupted by Zeke shaking his head no.
"I'll see you later maybe." He said walking away.
I turned to Calum with a glare. "What the fuck was that?" I shouted.
"What he was about to kiss you." He said like what he did was no big deal.
"You could have told him to back off! And not shove him off."
"Next time" He shrugged and I rolled my eyes.
"Ugh, I really hate you." I groaned closing my locker.
"I hate you too babe." He whispered in my ear I shoved him away a little but he still stayed near me. I plugged my headphones and started to walk out the building "So how are you getting home?" Calum asked after a pause.
"Huh?" I asked pulling out one of my headphones.
"How are you getting home?" He asked slowly trying to exaggerate.
I haven't thought about that. Normally Dawn and I would go to my house and get ready for work but today in Math Dawn said we didn't have a shift today. And normally if Dawn and I didn't have shift I would either have Zeke or one of the others drop me off.
"Shit yeah, um I guess I'm walking." I shrugged.
"What is it with you and walking? I'll drop you off."
"What is it with you and being my fake boyfriend? You're acting like you are my actually boyfriend."
"You wish I was your actually boyfriend. Luke and I made a deal of our own. If I look like I'm your actually boyfriend then I would join the band faster." He explained.
I should have done that with my mom. That way I can get my car and then run over Dawn for setting up this stupid fake dating thing and once run I Dawn over I would steal all her money to buy food because that girl still owes me money and I would be hungry after I run over her. And once I buy my food I would steal her phone if it still works and take a bunch of selfie's on her phone and maybe mess with her twitter. And then...oh wait I shouldn't be thinking like this. I believe in god. Ah screw it I have been a good girl...that hasn't be caught. But I really shouldn't be thinking like this, if I start ranting out loud someone might hear and the cops would arrest me before I get a chance to run over Calum and drive to Los Angles and kidnapping Harry Styles when he gets there for a concert or something.
I shook my head from my future plan. "Oh yeah, the band, I almost forgot about that. You seem eager. "
"That's because I am." Calum grinned. I never saw him this happy. I mean I'm sure he has been this happy before but never around me.
"So I'm guessing your going to be the bass player?" I asked.
Calum nodded his head, "How did you know."
"Luke told me that you guys were looking for a bass player. He told me that you were good but he didn't know if you should join the band." I mean it make sense. Calum has been with more girls than all the other players in this school combined and that's a lot. So you can see why Luke was unsure if Calum can stay in the band without leaving.
"He told you that?"I nodded. "Why?"
"I don't know. He just did." I shrugged looking out the window. The drive to my place wasn't long, but the awkward silence made it seem like it was long.
It wasn't long until we reached my place; Calum had drove up my driveway and turned off his car. I noticed there were two cars parked in the driveway next to my mom's. One of them looked familiar and the other one looked new.
"What are we going to do?" He asked out of the blue and confusing me.
"What do you mean?" I asked looking away from the two cars.
"About the date, you remember the email right? We have to go on a date." Oh that stupid thing. I forgot about that. I wished Calum would have too. Then that way we could have been oops next time and then keep forgetting.
"Right the stupid date. Um I don't know. I guess keep it simply and short."
"Like what? We have to be on a date for at least an hour."
"We could watch a movie. There's no talking in a movie just watching a movie."
"We have to be on a date for at least 1 hour not 2 hours."
"Who said anything about finishing the whole freaking movie?"
"I'm not paying for half a movie." The idiot said. What year is he living in? 60's?
"Oh hello welcome to 2014 where there is a thing called Netflix and free movies online." I said sarcastically said waving my phone in the air to show modern technology.
"Oh right that could work," I rolled my eyes.
"Okay then it's done." I said opening the car.
"Wait!" He said as soon I got out.
"Yes?"I said bending down to be in eye level.
"When are we going to the date?" He asked nervously. Since when is Calum nervous, especially around me? He did that last time too, when he asked for my number.
"Um I guess whenever. Maybe after school on Friday, that way we can get it over with." I shrugged and Calum nodded. "Is that it?" I asked. Calum nodded his head and then as soon as I was about to close the door he shouted once again.
"No wait!" I rolled my eyes and titled my head. "Whose house are we going to?" he once again nervously asked.
I let out a breath and rolled my eyes," I guess mines since you seem nervous. Bye Calum." I said closing the door before he got a chance to defend himself.
Ello, sorry I didn't update on Monday or on Tuesday. I was busy packing and shopping for my trip. I was writing the chapter on the plane but my battery didn't last long. And I would have tried to update sooner but I left my laptop uncharged for like 3 days because I was busy with my trip. And long story short I finally was able to write my chapter and yeah here it is. It's going to take forever to upload because I'm stuck with FUCKING 3G and it sucks. Like for real it took me like 4 days to LOAD 6 of my friends snapchats they sent me. I fucking hate 3G. So when does upload which I hope it does. Just know this is why I didn't upload sooner. Any who I hope you like this chapter. Now it's to be a YouTube and say stuff like be sure to vote this chapter if you like and leave a comment below because then I can update faster. (I doubt that would happen with FUCKING 3G!) And yeah see you guys next time. Byeeeeeeeee!

First Comes Hate (Calum Hood Fanfic)
FanfictionHave ever hated someone so much that you wanted to kill them? Try being forced to dated that person just for a car, or even being allowed in a band. Zoey Winters was just a normal girly tomboy. All she ever wanted was a car, her friends knew that so...