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You looked back at Hoseok while he gave you a warm smile, the water drops were falling down from his hair.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm alright " He said this time laughing slightly.

you've been asking him this question since he sneezed for the first time.

Guess what, your bad it started raining right after you both left the bus stop, and to your disappointment Hoseok got wet but as he gave you his coat to cover-up you were not as wet.

You again turned back and unlocked the door of your apartment and opened the door wide for him to enter inside.

He entered inside and looked around.

"You got a nice house"

"Thankyou Mr. Jung" you said smiling. You weren't expecting from him to say this, I mean compared to the houses he would've seen or lived in his life your house is nothing, its not as big nor there's something special or elegant about it not even a single thing. Maybe he's just being nice to you.

You shrugged off and walked towards your room before saying "You should take shower or guess you'll catch cold"

Leaving the male in the living room looking around, you went inside the bathroom that is attached to your room.

You prepared the warm water for Hoseok before doing your business.

You came out of your room only to find Hoseok looking out from the glass window.


"I have prepared the water and change into this" you said walking towards him and handing him a neatly folded grey sweat pant and a black t-shirt that belongs to your brother.


You looked at the clock and its already past 9, you sighed and went towards your room after arranging the dishes on their place.

You layed your back at the mattress and realized how tired you were.

Talking about Hoseok, he's kinda sick and is probably staying at your place for the night, you really felt bad for him, only if you knew he's sensitive to cold you would've refused him when he gave you his coat to prevent from getting wet.

But it would be a lie if you say you didn't felt your heartbeat fasten when he gave you his coat earlier.

'no doubt why there are so many girls who are head over hills for him at the company' you thought to yourself.

You were in your thought when you heard someone coughing, you looked at the door, you realized it came from the room beside yours, where Hoseok is staying.

After taking the hot water from the kitchen, you got up and walked towards his room and knocked at the door.

after some time Hoseok opened the door and stood there with a tint of redness in his nose and slightly messy hair, towering before you at the door frame, looking good as ever.

You were looking at him but when he gave you the confused look you realized you were looking at the blank space for way too long.

"Oh...I thought you will be needing the water"

You said extending your hand in which the water thermos was. He looked at you and then at the water bottle on your hand.

"Erm...yn can you stay for a while it seems like I can't sleep"

He said taking you off guard, it was the first time he took your name instead of 'Ms. Choi'. Well it's the first time someone from your company actually called you by your name.

"Okay "

You were little hesitant, but covered up.

He opened the door for you and you entered in.

You looked back and saw him following you, but the good thing all your thoughts vanished when he left the door wide open, maybe he sensed you're not comfortable.

You both sat at the side of bed.

"So your parents live in Seoul as well?"

He asked trying to start a conversation, but maybe to his bad it was not a nice choice of question to start with.

You lightly shook your head as no.

"Actually they passed away in a car accident when I was 13...after that I moved in with my aunt in bussan and no worry my younger brother was with me"

You said smiling towards him when you sensed he felt bad for asking you this question at first place.

"So your brother still lives with you?"

He asked again looking at you.

"No, he's completing his studies in Japan he'll be back after that"

You said and he made an O face while slightly nodding his head.

"What about you Mr Jung,how long have you been staying in Seoul? "

"It's been so long that I can't even remember now" He said chuckling, cracking the joke to make it lighter you smiled at his antique.

"But yeah, I grew up here...mostly my parents used to be out for business so my nanny looked after me, well to be more specific she's more like the mother figure to me"

"Do you have any siblings? "This time you glanced at him.

"No, actually I wish I had one, but probably I'm the only one"

You were about to say something further but your phone ringed, looking at the screen you see its your brother calling you.


"Oh...Its my brother" you said before picking up the call.

: "hey! Sup? Thought to check on you" He said from the other side while casually sitting on library table and sipping cóffee.

"Nothing just sitting with my boss" you said.

:"you know what time is it?" He said, the background had bubble sound, maybe blowing on the cóffee with straw.

"Yeah, but-"

:"are you still at work?"

"No absolutely no I'm at home"

:"so what is he doing there at this hour?" This time he said in a louder voice and looked at the table clock on the other side.

"Can you stop shouting" you said in monotone with poker face on.

You heard him sighing on the other side and then he spoke in a calmer tone.

:"okay, but tell me what is he doing there?"

"Nothing just got stuck in rain and my apartment was near so I let him in and moreover he got cold in all this"

You heard him sigh and you can imagine him rubbing his face, as he is habitual of doing this when he don't like something.

:"okay but call me if you need"


:"and lock your room before you go to sleep"

"I'm not a kid"

:"Whatever, I'm hanging up call me if needed" He said pressuring on the last words.

You said and finally he hung up the call.

You looked at Hoseok and thought it was stupid of you to talk this way in front of him.

You both sat there looking at eachother but then he laughed slightly.

"He sounds more like your elder brother"

"Indeed he does" you said with a smile.


Eternity: Don't Leave Me ||kth.ff||Where stories live. Discover now