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You were now getting tensed thinking what's gonna happen next.

Is he going to perhaps lock me in another room from where I could never escape?

You didn't realized you already entered the mansion until the car halted. You looked at Taehyung who had his clenched jaw indicating he's still not in a good mood.

You looked at him as he got out and walked towards your side before opening the gate and again holding onto your wrist then dragging you out.

You looked at his back and then down on the floor.

He kept on dragging you while the maids and some guards present inside there had their head hanging low.

You just let him drag your figure all way up towards his room where you were staying earlier.

And when the door closed behind you,  you were more of nervous thinking what he's gonna do now.

But he just made you sit on the bed with a sigh and hugged you tightly, you were taken aback by his action. you were imagining the possible things that he could do but this was something unexpected.

You stayed like that while his familiar cologne hitted your nostrils. He buried his face deeper on your shoulder. It reminded you of the old time, when everything was good well that's what you thinked though.

"Don't do that ever again" He said in a calm voice still resting his head on your shoulder, and after some minutes pulled away before planting a kissing on your forehead.

"I will bring the dinner till then rest" He said holding your face, before leaving from there.

As he left your eyes slowly started tearing up, the scene from earlier played in your head, there were many question running inside your head but the highlighted question was, who actually is he? Maybe some kind of gangster?

You felt like to pass out anytime soon, as the sleep in your eyes was taking over you, and soon you slept curled up in one side of the bed.

It indeed was a real bad day.


On the other hand Taehyung went downstairs in his office room and sat there rubbing his face to calm himself down, the veins in his neck were visible, he was still feeling frustrated.

Yes, he was angry on you for whatever happened earlier this day, but he can't take out his frustration on you cause he knows that he got no right to do so, you were not his anymore nor he gave you any good reason for keeping you with him.

But then he heard a knock on the door, he stood up and opened the door, there stood a maid.

"Ms. Choi is sleeping so her dinner-" He didn't let her complete her words and walked upstairs past her while she looked at his back. He slowly opened the bedroom's door and there you were sleeping curled on one side of the bed.

He slowly walked towards you and sat down beside your figure, he looked at your face which looked tired and it had dry tear's stain. He caressed your hair still looking at you, he realized you must be really disturbed from everything happened and sighed.

Then his eyes caught the small scratch on your hand and he opened the drawer of side table then took out the ointment before applying it on the small scratch, his gaze then fell upon another mark on your ankle and he treated it as well.

He again started to debate in his mind if he should tell you what's happening around but he knows that there's no point of doing so. It'll stress you more.

He thought to stay in the room with you for the night incase you need company, so he walked near the couch before laying down to sleep.

It was a tiring day for him, so he soon went into a deep slumber looking at your figure from afar.

It was midnight when Taehyung opened his eyes lazily feeling someone's presence near him, but after opening his eyes he saw you sleeping beside him on the couch while snuggling closer.

His heart skipped some beats, it's been so long since you both layed beside eachother, for a moment he thought if he was dreaming but he was not.

His lazy eyes were now completely open and his sleep went out from the window.

You were sleeping peacefully unaware that he was awake, he just looked at you and he loved the feeling he got while looking at your calm face.

He don't want to sleep the whole night when you are so close to him.

He rested his lips on the top of your head, taking in the smell of your hair, it was so calm.

The balcony glass door were open while the night breeze were escaping in and in process bringing some movement between the curtains, the moonlight gazed in, bringing some light inside the room.

It was so calming that he didn't want to see tommrow and just lay there with you beside him.

And at the moment he knew, that this time he'll not let you go.

He stayed awake until the first morning rays arrived by the window. He didn't want to let go but he knew that he can't stay like this till you wake up, he had to go before you wake up.

So he got up carefully making sure not to wake you up and left after kissing your forehead and tugging you properly inside the comforter.

Eternity: Don't Leave Me ||kth.ff||Where stories live. Discover now