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It's already Sunday now.

Strange how the sleep is far from your eyes.

Mid night and you're laying on the hospital bed with Taehyung beside you.

He slept hugging you closer and legs tangled with yours.

His warm breath fanned your forehead, as you rested your head on his chest, the upper two buttons of his shirt was left open and the smell of his cologne was stronger this time.

You shifted on your place and now you can get a better view of Taehyung's sleeping face.

You looked at his eyes which looked at peace as he was in deep slumber, you can see the tears stain at the corner of his eyes which eventually dried.

You can feel deep down that it would be alright if you give it a chance.

Moreover he seems already found of his son and its quite obvious by looking at him asking you stuffs about him until the sleep took over him.

You observed his features then leaned closer and kissed his forehead before again shifting down to the position you were earlier in.

You snuggled closer and then felt the male shifting on his place, pulling you closer than you already were and caging your legs between his, before you closed your eyes and the peace you felt took you to slumber.

Earlier Taehyung was ready to move you to other vip room ward, so that you can have a better but you insisted, you didn't realized then, that sleeping in a small hospital bed would feel so comfortable.

Maybe not the texture of mattress beneath you, but it was his embrace that radiated the ordinary yet homey comfort to you.

And then the night fell.

The first morning rays came to the window trying to wake you up, but it felt too comfortable to pull yourself up from the sleep.

Meanwhile the male looked at the window still caressing your hair making you melt in his touch though still in slumber.

He definitely had something in his touch.

It was some ringing sound that bought you out from your sleep, making you wake up and realize you were in hospital.

You released a sigh, making Taehyung realize you're awake now.

"good morning"

He spoke and his lips automatically stretched into a warm smile.


you replied in your little raspy voice.

"Slept well?" He asked as his hand ran over your hair, caressing it softly.


you answered still feeling lazy.

"...How long are we staying here?" You asked finally looking up at him, while he seemed to think about it.

"Umm...I guess till next week(?)" He answered again bringing his gaze back at you.

"...okay" you simply said before resting your head back on his chest.

"Why did uou asked though?" He asked as he noticed you leaning back.

"'s just...I thought i-it would be nice if know visit Tokyo" you said not really sure.

While the male registered your words in his mind and slowly realized what you actually meant.

His pupil turned little darker and his heart beat raised.

Eternity: Don't Leave Me ||kth.ff||Where stories live. Discover now