
978 43 1

You were sitting on the bed alone deep in your thoughts, you recalled yesterday and you didn't know what to feel. It was already hard for you and you're just making it more harder for yourself.

You sighed and that's when you heard a knock on the door and then saw jimin entering inside the room with a box in his hands.

He smiled at you and you just flashed your tired smile back at him.

"How are you feeling today? Better than yesterday?" He asked keeping the small box on the table near the window.

"Yeah" you simply replied.

"Had your sleep properly?" He asked pacing towards your bed with medicines and a paper bag on his hands.

He kept them on the side table.

"You have to take them after breakfast" He said and you said a small 'okay'.

One thing you liked about him was this that he's always good with everyone around him, everyone likes him, whether as doctor or as an individual it doesn't matter, it's his personality, he's really a caring person, ever since you've known him.

"Oh! I almost forgot, Hoseok texted me earlier in the morning asking about you. He's actually In the states by the way" he said.

"Oh...for how long?" You asked not sure what to say.

"He didn't mentioned that, maybe for a year or two, I guess" He replied.

To be honest.

You weren't expecting that.

In the past month you both were really close and out of sudden he just left for the states, you felt slightly bad realizing you both were not as close as you thought you were, atleast that's what you thought somewhere, you don't remember him telling you about leaving the country whenever you guys talked. Maybe he was just being nice to you, that you were always alone most of the time.

"So he's shifted there?" You asked.

"Probably yeah" jimin replied.

You didn't said anything further about that and just looked at the big window at the side of the room, jimin took a glance of you.

"Well, you'll be discharged today you should be happy stop with that sad face" He said trying to lighten you mood.

"I should be" you mumbled but he heard you, he was little confused by your words.

"Erm...sorry?" He asked

"Nothing" you replied shortly, shrugging off.

His confused expression changed when he realized what you were talking about he cursed himself for saying the wrong thing at the moment, he sighed before looking away and then back at you.

"It's about Taehyung, right?" He asked though he's aware of it.

He saw your eyes were slightly glistening, he thought not to make you think about it further so he opened his mouth to say something but you beat him in this.

"I don't wanna go back"

You said and jimin stood there taken aback, not knowing what to say further. He don't want to say anything about the matter, what if he made it more complicated for you and Taehyung.

But then you both heard the metallic sound which came from the door side.

Jimin looked at the direction and saw someone exiting from the door, you were still sitting on the bed so you weren't able to see who it was, when Jimin's mind processed the point he ran to the door and you looked at his running figure.

Jimin paced faster searching for the person he saw a few moment ago, his eyes searched everywhere in the hospital's busy hallway.

Excusing people around he made his way to the elevator, but the door got closed before he could reach there.

He moistured his dry lips by licking them, he was impatiently looking at the display above the elevator, when the elevator finally stopped at the top floor he noted it in his mind and took the staircase.

Luckily he had to climb just two more floors, to reach there.

And when he reached the floor he ran out of breath. He was standing with the support of his hands on his knees while panting hard.

He looked up when he saw a pair of black polished shoes before him, indicating some is standing.

It was none other than Taehyung.

He stood there with his arms folded in front of his chest, then passed jimin a bottle of water as he was still breathing heavily.

Jimin gulped down the water and then looked at Taehyung.


Both the male were standing at the roof top of the hospital, everything looked small from there.

Taehyung lighted his cigarette bud before extending another one towards Jimin.

"No man, I'm quitting on it" Jimin said refusing him, while Taehyung just shrugged and looked down at the ground, the cars were parked down there is a row. His eyes were glued on the blank space.

"You know back then, she didn't really meant to say that, she just felt that at the moment" jimin started speaking out of blue.

"Don't you think you should approach her? She must be alone down there " Jimin said and Taehyung didn't responded.

There was a thin silence in the air as jimin stopped speaking, only the sharp wind blowing at the rooftop made some noise. Jimin thought to not push him further but then his eyes fell on the bouquet of white lilies resting on the floor near the exit door of the rooftop.

He slowly walked there and picked them up before turning back and looking at Taehyung, whose back was facing him.

He walked back to him.

"You bought them for her, right?" He said.

Taehyung looked at the bouquet for a while then sighed before again looking at the view in front of his eyes.

"It doesn't matter anymore" He mumbled and jimin looked at the bouquet before saying,

"I think she would love them"

Taehyung turned around his frame, now leaning his back on the rail and dropped the cigarette bud on the floor.

"Are you really going to give up just because what you heard? Believe me she didn't meant that" Jimin said.

"She did"

Taehyung said and jimin scoffed.

Taehyung thought it was useless so he sighed and was about to leave from there but halted on his track when he hear Jimin say,

"She would've not kissed you if she really hated you, can't you fucking understand that?"

He sounded slightly frustrated. Taehyung turned to look back at jimin as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, typical thing he do when he's annoyed, rare though.

"Go to her" Jimin said, his eyes were now pleading him.

"Don't repeat what I did" He finally said and Taehyung debated in his mind before nodding to him.

He walked towards the exit door while jimin stood there, not moving and looking at the door from where Taehyung just left, the wind blowing played with his hair, making them flip in the process.

He gulped down the lump forming in his throat before looking up at the sky.

Isn't love a real twisted thing?

Eternity: Don't Leave Me ||kth.ff||Where stories live. Discover now